Saturday, August 28, 2010



Well today is Saturday and it is finally my P-day. Normally it will be on Friday but for this first week it's today. I'm in here doing Laundry and just hanging next to some of the guys from my district

Well the first day here was pretty overwhelming for sure. Right when I came in they were sending me to all these booths and stuff to get everything set up and to give me everything I need. Then I met my companion after that. My companion is Elder Clark. He's a nice guy and we get a long pretty well.

It was kinda weird saying goodbye to Mom and Dad, because when I looked back I was like, oh man this is real.

It's awesome being here at the MTC and I spend a lot of time in class. The other 2 people that me and Elder Clark live with are Elder Erikson and Elder Buess. Yep, Elder Erikson is the one who lived in my Hall/Ward at BYU. It's awesome living with them because they have been here for like 6 weeks and they are the Zone Leaders so they are pretty good examples to us. They pretty much speak spanish like all the time. They gave me the hint that if I didn't want to wait in line for the shower and if I still wanted hot water, I should wake up at around 6. It's been pretty crazy but I'm having a great time.

Learning spanish is going pretty well. Our second day here, we had a substitute teacher come in who would only speak spanish. He could write in english, he just chose not to speak it. Suprisingly, I was able to understand him pretty well. I think everything in spanish I learned is starting to come back to me, and me and the guys in my district are trying to do the SYL (Speak Your Language) or the HSL (Habla Su Idioma). It's pretty cool talking with guys who have been here for a few weeks and trying to speak as much spanish as you know to them. So far we have learned how to pray, and how to bear our testimonies in spanish. I still have a hard time praying in spanish, but I'm getting pretty good at using spanish to bear my testimony.

After we learned how to bear our testimonies, the teacher made us go out and contact 7 people and ask them if we could bear our testimony's to them. For the first couple I was having to read from my notes, but then later I was able to do most of it without looking. Like I said, I still kinda need notes to pray in spanish but I'm sure it will come. I get a little nervous sometimes about having to be able to teach lessons in spanish because it seems like that will require so much more spanish than I know, and I sometimes worry whether I'll be able to learn it. But I think at the rate we are going, we'll be able to pick it up pretty fast. Our district is great and we all know a pretty good amount of spanish. One of the Hermana's in our District took 5 years of French and then got called to a spanish mission so that's gotta be pretty crazy for her.

But Elder Munk and Elder Stukey are going to Morristown with Elder Clark and I, so that will be pretty great.

I'm excited not to be the new missionary in a couple weeks. I didn't know where like anything was here, but I'm starting to get the hang of it more. The Basketball Court here is still closed, but luckily it will open up on the September 7th, and then I can start balling it up again.

The schedule here is pretty tight. You don't really get to spend much time in your room, but you spend most of the time in the classroom. The food here isn't too bad, but I bet i'll get kinda sick of it after awhile. I guess the important part is, is to make the right choices in what you eat. Haha thanks Matt, Aaron and Caleb for the heads-up about not drinking the orange juice.

Well I've gotten a few letters since I've been here. Greg wrote me a nice letter, and Jessica and Rachel sent me a bunch of cookies, and oragami things and some nice letters as well. It seems like mail is a pretty prized possesion here. I get way excited when I have a letter or a package.

It's been awesome seeing so many people I know here. I saw Elder Chase Bastian with in the first few minutes, and I've seen Elder Trevor Taylor, Elder Benjamin Carlisle, Elder Aaron Funke, Elder Bridger Talbot, Elder JT Alston and a few other people I know from either high school or from college. It's kinda weird having Elder Day here because he reminds me a lot of a mix between my old roommate Trevor Taylor and Conner Rawle.

One of the habits that has been hard to break since I've been here is saying DUDE. I'm so used to saying it all the time and sometimes I'll call some of the guys in the district dude, and have to correct myself. Our first day here someone spoke to us and said "There are no guys or dudes here, all the guys and dudes are home dating your girlfriends" It was something like that, but they gave all of us a pretty good laugh.

I feel like I'm learning to be more responsible, and the Branch President made me senior companion for the first half of my MTC experience and then my companion will be the senior companion for the last half.

It's been hard to find a lot of time to do personal study, and I want to do my best while I am here, and work diligently to learn the language and everything. I'm going to try my hardest and try to strengthen my testimony. Well 17 seconds left gotta go.

Love You

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Celebration of Great Love

(written and posted by his Mother)

Nineteen years ago a son was born to our family.
With much excitement, anticipation, and laughter
we watched him grow to become a valiant and faithful son of God.

In preparation for his departure for his long awaited mission,
we began our Hicks Holidays with a three week celebration.

Everyone chose 3 activities,
3 places they liked to go out to eat,
and 3 favorite homemade menus for me to make.
Could we fit them all in before he left?

Swimming, Cafe Rio, Brick Oven, Bowling (I tied for first place!),
late night Wii party sleep-over with all the family except one
(We missed you, Stephen).
Mom's waffles and pancakes, J Dawgs, Inception,
miniature golfing, Farr's ice cream.
Church, Meatloaf & Blueberry Surprise.


"19, I'm 19!"

Texas Road House where Johnny reluctantly rode the saddle
while everyone wished him a
Happy Birthday.
Dunford Donuts!

Miniature Golfing
(Julia asked a lady to take a family photo for us, but she might as well have taken it herself!)

Then the extended family began to arrive.

Time to play with nephew Jake.

A HOT trip to the Hogle Zoo,

Pool Party and Pizza . . .

then saying farewell to friends.

Sunday Farewell message...

then saying goodbye to Grandpa,

cousins and more friends.

One more temple session with family.

One last bowling trip.

One last mow while listening to the Tab choir. Really!

One last time to eat at Zupa's, Tucanos, Burger Supreme, Magleby's Fresh,
and the last dinner at Los Hermanos-
before the setting apart.

As we returned from his setting apart he went directly upstairs to his room
returning just moments later handing me his iphone and laptop
(selling both of them to support his mission).

Elder Hicks was ready to Serve the Lord.

Small miracle! Shrink packing everything!

(10 white missionary shirts on the left
and his favorite full size foam pillow on the right. )

"Johnny style" meant having everything packed the night before.
He weighed in the luggage at 48 lbs. and 37 lbs. ,
exactly allowing for the 10-12 lbs. of books he will receive at the MTC.



During road construction at the entrance of the MTC
to streamline current drop off procedures (no picture taking)
the best view of the MTC was from the Provo temple.

Then just minutes later we pulled in the driveway,
being directed to a number on the curb.
A young smiling Elder introduced himself while shaking our hands,
then helped lift the two heavy suitcases from the car.

There was just a few moments left for a last hug.

Elder Hicks,
You are in our hearts, our prayers, and even in our dreams.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plan!

Well not yet, but I am going into the MTC in 2 days and you can follow me here on my blog. I'm going to the New Jersey, Morristown Mission, spanish speaking and I'll be home sometime in August of 2012. My Mom will be updating this blog and putting some of my pictures and letters up here. If you want to send me letters, packages, cookies, candy, or anything else, my MTC address is:

Elder John Douglas Hicks
MTC Mailbox # 218
NJ-MOR 1025
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

And I'll be there until October 25th. After that, feel free to write to:

Elder John Douglas Hicks
New Jersey Morristown Mission
1719 Route 10 Ste 309
Parsippany, NJ 07054-4519
United States

See ya in 2!