Monday, September 27, 2010

MTC Half Over?!

It's been a pretty busy week. I do have some news to start with though. I have been called as the new District Leader for my district. It's a great opportunity for me to serve others in my District, and try and be a good example to them and encourage them.

Last Friday we went to the TRC and had a conversation with someone that is a native spanish speaker (She talks really fast!) After that we taught the plan of salvation (in english) which went pretty well.

On Sunday we just did the regular and then had a fireside that night. It was actually one of my favorite firesides here I think. It was by President Brown. He talked about becoming a 100 watt light-bulb missionary. He said this includes: worthiness, attitude, desire, faith, obedience, planning, etc. He also gave us this diagram pyramid of sucess. It started at the bottom with "Desire to serve", then "Obedience", then "Preparation", Then "Hard Work", "Spirituality", and "Christs Divine Attributes" at the Top. After that fireside we got to watch the Testaments, which was a pretty cool movie. I had watched it before with Caleb.

On Monday we had a really good large group meeting about "Baptizing and Confirming people is central to your Purpose." I liked when he talked about how you serve the gospel is important. Like if you were giving a piece of cake to people that represents the gospel, it's a lot better when you serve it on a plate with a napkin and a shiny fork, instead of grabbing the cake, squishing it in your hands, and throwing it at someone. That's sort of how teaching the Gospel can be. You don't just want to throw all this information on people, but you want to teach to their needs, and deliver it in the best way that you can.

On Tuesday we had a devotional with Paul B. Johnson which was pretty excellent. We've been learning more and more spanish and I think everyone in my district is getting a ton better.

The Basketball courts finally opened!!! It's so exciting, I hadn't played in so long, but now it's so great to get back on the court.

Thursday me and Elder Clark taught like 2 lessons in Spanish. We were supposed to teach these other missionaries about prayer, but I guess we didn't really know that and we taught a lot of the whole first lesson in spanish (and talked about prayer). Last week I was able to memorize Joseph Smiths first vision in Spanish, and it makes for a lot more spiritual lesson.Then last night we taught our teacher in spanish (as a progressing investigator) and we taught a lot of the second lesson. I think the gift of tongues is really coming to us. Our progressing investigator (teacher) committed to be baptized after the hermanas who taught him after us asked him. That was a pretty exciting feeling too.

So I had a pretty awkward experience yesterday, that's for sure. SO I was doing interviews of all the senior companions in my district right? So It's kinda weird having to interview sisters in the first place, but whatever. So you are suppose to interview them together which is what I did, so the first companionship I took to the TALL lab and interviewed them there (next time i'll remember that I have to leave the door open), but the next interview was where it got bad. So Hermana Word and Hermana Jarmin got back from studying, and I told them that I needed to interview them. So we leave the room and they were like, "Oh lets just do the interview in here." Let me tell you that this place was a Janitors Closet (talk about close quarters). For some reason I didn't say like, "Nah, lets just go outside". So we're in this Janitors closet (which isn't as small as you probably are imagining but also isn't very big) and we just did a standing interview. I'm standing next to the door, and they are standing a few feet in front of me. We're talking and we get a knock on the door and a guy asks for a vaccuum. There wasn't one. Then he comes back a few minutes later and asks if there is a broom. There was and while one of the sisters was grabbing it, he was like... "What are you guys doing?" I told him we were just having an Interview, but I knew it probably looked really weird. Well I guess you learn new things everyday. Never have interviews with sister missionaries in closets! Right? That wasn't super smart of me, but I'm still trying to get the hang of things. Well I think thats mostly it for the week.

Wow, I am 1 month through my mission! It seems like it went by slow, but in another way really fast. I'm halfway done with my MTC experience. I'm learning a lot though, and I'm loving the food even though I've surprisingly only gained a few pounds. Well gotta run.

The Gospel is True

Love You All!! Good luck in all your endeavors!!!

Love, Elder Hicks

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