Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Everything is going pretty great here in New Jersey more or less. It's a little tougher being away from home around this time of year, but this is a great work, and has major importance.

Our calls this week can be up to 45 minutes, but probably preferably between 35 and 40. I really don't know our Christmas day schedule yet. There's a possibility that me and Elder Harringtons first baptism will be this Christmas. We'll see though. I'll be sure to call sometime in between 12:00 and 5:00 your time.

So this week has had it's ups and downs, just like life in general. Last Monday we went and sorta had an FHE with these people named Guille and Asuncion. Both of them are members, but their two kids aren't. The daughter is a maybe for baptism, but the son said no. The reason is, is that his real dad has a different religion, and I heard that he really likes our church but he likes his dads too, and he doesn't really want to dissappoint his dad by joining our church. Really good family though. Later that night we went and taught Fausta about Tithing and the Word of Wisdom. I love how there is such great member support here. We have been able to have a lot more member present lessons here in Dover. There are 2 awesome guys named Lucio, and Jacobo who really help us out with our lessons because me and Elder Harrington still don't have the language down where we can express ourselves the way we would want.

On Tuesday we had a good district meeting about the importance of involving members in our work. And how really the perfect formula for missionary work would be the Members to do the Finding, the Missionaries to do the Teaching, and the Members to do the Baptism. Unfortunately it doesn't always work like that, but member missionary work can be a huge asset to the missionaries.

Wednesday was a pretty great day, although we didn't have a lot of time to work because we had an All Mission Conference that lasted basically the whole day. We heard great talks from the Assistants about really focusing on our purpose. I really liked one analogy that one of them gave about how Jesus Christ told 2 apostles to follow him and he would make them fishers of men. Then they dropped their nets and followed. He then talked about how we still have some nets that we need to drop. It was definitely a great talk for me to hear, because I think there still may be some nets that I'm am having a hard time letting go.

Another one of the things I liked was when Elder Litzenberger shared a quote about worrying about girls back home. It was something like, "Every year we get a new batch of girls, and the new batch is just as good as the old one." That was a pretty good quote that I thought was useful. We heard about being more Charitable from Sister Bahr and then we must both Serve and Be Served.

After that we had an amazing lunch provided by the ward. The gym was set up really nice with little bags of candy at each seat, and some christmas trees up on the stage. After eating we took an all mission picture on the stage. It was definitely difficult to get all set up because of the hundreds of missionaries that were there, but I'll get a copy of the picture sometime and you'll see it I'm sure. We then heard a musical number from a lady and from another guy who plays the part of Hyrum Smith in the Joseph Smith movie at Temple Square. It was an excellent number for sure.

After that we got to hear the testimony and story of Billie Johnson who is an African Pioneer I guess you would call it. It told us of all these amazing experiences he had, and visions he had. It was an excellent talk. Later that night our zones got different christmas songs, and it was our job to come up with new lyrics that applied to the mission. We got "All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth." It was pretty tough to work with and our song wasn't super awesome, but some of the other missionaries did really well, and were way funny.

Later that night we went and had a lesson with Albero (the one guy that was almost baptized but had some issues with the temple). It was a pretty good lesson, but Albero is a pretty intelligent guy and he's pretty set on his ways. He likes our church though, and respects what we do, but I guess the temple thing gets a little confusing. On our next lesson we are going to bring a member who is a temple sealer in Manhattan. That should help out a lot.

On Thursday we had an awesome planning session. It was also our walking day too which is always a little tougher, especially since it get really cold here in New Jersey. It must be the humidity, but it can be pretty brutal especially when it's windy. It makes me all the more grateful though that we have a car. So usually I have my coat, beanie, 2 pairs of gloves, and by neck wrap on and covering most of my face. So sometimes I look like a ninja walking around, but you've gotta stay warm somehow right? We had another lesson with Fausta that night about the Plan of Salvation, but only did a part of it. The plan of salvation can definitely be a lot to take in.

Friday was a really rough day for us. Alot of things were falling through, and we had to get our oil changed in the car. We eventually got a lesson in with Edwin that night, but we didn't get much else accomplished.

Saturday was a pretty great day though. We had sorta a finding miracle. We were going to go check out some formers or potentials on a certain road. We went and knocked one house but got no answer. Then we walked back over the street where our car was to talk to a guy setting up his christmas light stuff. Originally we went over just to ask him if any of his neighbors spoke spanish, but to my suprise at least, he told us that he speaks spanish. We found out his name is Patricio. We taught him the first lesson outside and he seemed pretty interested. We both bore our testimonies, and Patricio was telling us how he was a Catholic by birth but that he isn't really happy with his religion. We ended with a prayer and then he went back inside. As we were in the car he came back out and knocked on our car door. He offered us some bread that they had just made. Unfortunately we had to go, but I think that's a good sign. We'll see what happens with him. Later we went to the ward Christmas party and the missionaries were suppose to give a musical number. There were 4 of us, but Elder Holmes was part of some nativity story so then it was just us 3. We sang a spanish hymn acapella style which was definitely something I had never done before. It was alright, but still a good experience.

Yesterday was a really good day as well. We went to our PEC meeting in the morning, and then at church me and Elder Harrington got some gifts from the Young Women's and another family in the ward. I got a pretty cool tie as well. The Branch is really nice here, and hopefully we can make it become a ward pretty soon.

After church we had the opportunity to go to a baptism. It was of an 8 year old, but he was living in a less active family. His dad did the baptism which was awesome. I could really feel the spirit at the baptism and it has been awhile since I've been to a baptism, so I really enjoyed watching it. It just helps you think of your purpose more, and helps you see what your goal is for your investigators. We had one guy who Elder Harrington and Elder Walch (His former comp) used to teach come to Church and come to the baptism which is a really great sign. He lives with members which I think helps. His name is Freddy and he's probably in his 40's. Hopefully we can start teaching him again and help him come unto Christ. We watched the Church Christmas movie and it was pretty great.

Later we went to go see Carlos who was a referral that lived really far away. Suprisingly, he was already a member that got baptized in August. He was a way nice guy though, and we are going to try and help him be more active. The problem I think with retention around here, is that lot's of people have to work on Sundays.

After seeing Carlos we went and saw Fausta again and reviewed Joseph Smith with her. She had her baptism set for the 26th of this month, but we got bad news. She has to work next Sunday, even though her boss told her that she could have Sundays off after christmas. I guess Satan works to keep people from getting baptized. We learned that Fausta's co-worker is in the hospital and so they need Fausta's help and that's why she has to work. But... Hopefully we can still have the baptism this week. When she found out that we could do the baptism a different day this week, and even on Christmas when she didn't have work, she seemed pretty happy. It's not exactly set for Christmas day, but we're hoping that we can do it then. That would be a pretty great Christmas, to have our first baptism, and to change someone's life. We were going to have Christmas Dinner with the branch president that night.

Tonight we have a FHE planned which should be pretty great and this week will be a good week. We are probably going to go to the temple on Wednesday, but that takes from our next P-day, so I don't know when the next time is that I'll be writing.

I'm excited to hear from you all, but it will be hard after the call to have 6 months before I call again. It's ok though because this is the place to be. I'm learning how to make decisions, how to plan, how to help people. how to truly love people, how to listen to people (which I definitely have had a problem with in the past), how to take care of myself and not call home everyday. I'm continually trying to put down my nets and get both feet in the mission field. I've noticed that as I'm doing that, I'm a lot happier. It gets hard for me to not think about home or life after or before my mission. But I know that I can be happier here as I truly focus on the work and serve with all my heart, might, mind and strength.

Our zone goal has been about becoming a more consecrated missionary, and I think the things I'm learning in studies and stuff are helping me do that. There is a lot more of myself that I need to put on the Alter of Sacrifice to truly become a consecrated missionary. I'm working towards staying more focused, and not letting myself think of home and family. It's been tough, but I know with the Lord I can do it. One talk we were reading said that we need to be as thoroughbred horses with blinders where all we see is track and the finish. I know I have weaknesses as a missionary, but as Ether 12:27 talks about, with the Lord our weaknesses can be made strong.

I love the Gospel, and I love all the new things and insights I gain during personal study. I love this holiday when we can truly focus on the life of Jesus Christ. Just think how happy we would be all year, if we took our focus of Jesus Christ during the Holiday Season, into the other 11 months. Christmas doesn't have to be 1 day of the year, but can, and probably should be 365 days a year. When we continually think of Christ and the example he set for us. When we think about the impact his gospel has had on our lives and the happiness we receive from the knowledge of the plan of salvation, and the knowledge of the atonement and repentence. I know this is an important work and can truly bless those I serve, and can make me into the person I am to become. I just have to do what's necessary to let this mission make that transformation in me. The Gospel is true and I'm thankful for all of you and your support.

Have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!
Love all of you!!!

Talk to you on Saturday!

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