Thursday, April 7, 2011

Amazing Conference Weekend!

Let me just say how much I love conference these days. Maybe it's just because I'm a missionary and so I try to apply it more, but hopefully upon returning home, I can keep that same enthusiasm about conference. I didn't end up watching any of the sessions in Spanish, mostly just watched them in English with the other missionaries in the ward.

Well I have some kinda big news. So transfers are next week, but... I already have a new companion. Yeah it's pretty crazy but Elder Hannah got emergency transferred on Saturday, so now my new companion is Elder High. It was pretty weird actually. I was just upstairs filling out a progress record, and Elder Hannah calls up to me and says," Elder Hicks, there's a change of plans." and I say, "Which one's?" and he said, "All of them. I'm leaving Union City today." So it was definitely a big suprise. He got all packed up, we went to conference, he say goodbye to some people, we drove to Short Hills where the two other missionaries and President Bahr were waiting, and then made the switch. Now Elder Hannah is in New Brunswick, and I asked President Bahr if this is what our companionship was going to be for next transfer as well, and he said something like "I hope so." So it looks like we got an early transfer conference, but the good news is, I'm most likely staying in Union City for at least one more, but I'm sure I'll leave after this next transfer. Elder High is a good kid from Idaho. We seem to be getting a long pretty well. We haven't taught a lesson together yet, but I think we should see a lot of success together this transfer.

I did get the sweet roles today, thanks so much. They were delicious and luckily there were 5 other missionaries in the car when I opened them so that I could share them and not get too chubby. I think I'm getting a little to big for my black suit. I'm not sure exactly how much I weigh, but I'm probably like 10-15 pounds more than when I left on my mission. It's all good though because supposedly summer is pretty brutal here and so I'm sure I'll sweat it all off.

We have 3 baptismal dates set for this coming week for Hector, Wendy, and Yolanda, but I think it's really only going to be Hector that is baptized this week. This family is awesome and Hector is the man. I really hope he goes on a mission within the next couple of years, or maybe he could come live at BYU, but I guess he probably needs to learn English before he can do that. Hector came to a session of conference yesterday and liked it, and as they would say in "the district", "You can put your money on the prophet." But after the session I asked if he thought he was going to be baptized next week, and he looked like he was pretty sure of it. There is still a good amount we have to teach him though so hopefully we can meet with him enough this week so he is ready by Sunday. Now the best case scenario for him would be to be baptized this week, receive the priesthood a few weeks later, and then baptize his Mom and Grandma. So we'll see what we can do with that this transfer. Really good people though.

Christian and Trixi are doing awesome as well. Trixi is probably having her baby today which will make it a lot harder for them to come to church within the coming weeks, but they'll be baptized eventually. They are so good about reading, and always have so many questions and things to share. They are truly a prepared people.

Some good news would be that Diana came to a session of conference as well, so hopefully we can keep working with her, and help her understand more about the gospel.

Hmmm... Any funny things happen this week? I'm not really sure, it's just funny moments like I said, so it's hard to really remember things that happen. We knocked a door this week and I just had a Spanish fail which was really awkward and Elder Hannah had to help me out. Another one would be that Elder Hannah was calling up a recent convert named Jan to see if he could come out a work with us. He was just taking a nap, so he said he couldn't on the phone, and then I could hear yelling in the background (although Elder Hannah was the one that had the phone) and Elder Hannah later told me that Jan's mom said ," Porque no puede, Si Puede!!!) Or How come you can't, you can! but she was kinda scolding him basically making him come out and help the missionaries. I guess you would just have to be there. Oh yeah, another one this week was super super awkward. We were at this less actives house and he wanted me to give the prayer. I asked him his name right before I was to give it, but unfortunately I heard him say "Jehovah" (In Spanigh) instead of Eduardo. It was a hearing fail on my part, so I was a little confused and said back to him "Jehovah" and he just kinda looked at me, and Elder Hannah was like "Eduardo". I don't really know where "Jehovah" came from, but it was pretty awkward on my part.

Everything is going pretty well here in Union City. Changes are still kinda weird for me, but I think this will be a really good transfer with Elder High.

I really like conference a lot. They seemed to focus a lot on service and giving to the poor. I also really like Elder Bednar's talk, and I felt like that one was meant just for me, because I'm still trying to learn how to receive personal revelation, and I get worried when I don't have these huge spiritual experience's and things like it, but It's true that revelation comes line upon line, and precept upon precept, and that sometimes we may not really recognize that we are receiving personal revelation. I know that president Monson is a true Prophet, and that the apostoles are also called of God. I really liked the talk of Richard G. Scott as well. This conference talked a lot about marriage as well, and basically we were told that after the mission, marriage is the next priority. I really liked Richard G. Scott's talk and the special experiences he shared. I'm so grateful to be out on my mission learning the lessons I need to really return home with honor, and come home with the skills necessary to continue being a missionary after the mission, and to know how to raise a family and keep them strong in the gospel. I was saddened to hear this week of somebody I knew in the MTC who didn't make it out into the field, especially cause I know how truly special the mission is, and how much it changes the lives of others as well as ours as missionaries. Hopefully he can go back out one day. The Gospel is true!

Love You So Much!!

Love, Elder Hicks.

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