Tuesday, February 22, 2011


All right so it's Valentines Day, but that day doesn't have a lot of meaning to a missionary haha, but I guess it's always good to develop Christlike Love and Charity for those in the area.

Well I guess it's time to update you on the week huh? Well things have gone pretty well this week. We've had some tough days where things fall through, or things just don't go as planned, but there has to be opposition in all things and that's really how our faith is tested. I guess I can just update you on our 3 investigators with baptismal dates.

Maria: So Maria is still progressing, but we're not sure if she is going to be baptized on the 27th. She has agreed to live the law of tithing, and after she taught it she was willing to pay us right there, but we told her that that's not how it works. She has so much faith, but we still have a problem with Gabriel. They aren't married, and Maria needs to stay with Gabriel especially for financial support. Her Divorce could take awhile, and it's one of those situations where we don't know what's best to do. Maria came to church yesterday, and she has been good about reading and knows that the church is true, but she can't be baptized until she separates or gets married. Yesterday we went and taught Gabriel without her, and he had been looking online for stuff about our church. Yesterday he brought Polygamy up, but luckily Elder Sopena is really experienced and can handle most of the difficult questions. We've invited Gabriel to read and pray to know if Joseph Smith was a true prophet. One day though, I think he could be a really strong member of the Church.

Diana: Diana is actually progressing really well, although we haven't been able to teach her as much as we've wanted. Diana said she has read and prayed and she feels pretty good about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. Yesterday she came to church and stayed after to watch the Baptism. The Bishop also came and met her and talked to her for a little bit at the baptism. She is really making great friends with one of the girls in the ward, and she has a great desire to be baptized. Elder Sopena and I were thinking that we needed to push her date back to the 27th just because it's been so tough to see her lately. Yesterday we went and taught her and she asked us what she needed to learn to be baptized. Of course we still have to teach a lot, but she ready and willing to learn. She also asked us yesterday if her being baptized would just bless her or if it would bless her family as well. I think they've been having some struggles in their family, and when we contacted her I think we talked about how the Gospel blesses families. She's a really awesome girl and I think wants to be baptized in part to help her family. She has committed to live the Word of w\Wisdom, and to read and pray every day as well. Hopefully she can be ready for her baptismal interview this Friday! We've got a lot of work to do.

Ruth: So Ruth is the one that we set with a baptismal date this week. We've been teaching Ruth for a pretty good while and have invited her to be baptized before but she just says she needs more time. This week we were teaching her with the Ward Mission Leader, and while he was talking Elder Sopena told me that we needed to set her with a date this time. I got pretty nervous for the moment to come when I was going to have to set her with a date. Elder Sopena told me that we were going to try for the 27th. They kept talking and I was pretty nervous but knew that this was the right time to invite her. Elder Sopena was talking and than stopped mid-sentence giving me the opportunity to set the date. We said "We will be having a baptismal service on the 27th of February, will you prepare to be baptized on that day?" She said "I Hope" which is a whole lot better than answers we've received from her in the past. Elder Sopena asked her for a piece of paper and wrote on it "27 de Febrero, Me voy a bautizar" as her goal. Than we hung it up for her. She stilled seemed a little hesitant and we sorta had to push her a little bit, but I think it's really what she needed. Later we came back and taught her and she seemed a little hesitant still. Elder Sopena asked her if we should take down the sheet, but she said no, that it was still something she wanted to work towards. Yesterday she came to church and came to the baptism as well, and I think she really enjoyed it. Elder Sopena told me that after the baptism yesterday, the Ward Mission Leader said to her, "Next" which is pretty funny.

We met this awesome lady this week that was taking up groceries. We helped her take up her groceries and started talking to her a little bit. She talked about how she has really found a lot more happiness in life being a Christian. Then she started telling us about her life and started crying at a certain point. We know this message can bless her so much, and so we got her information and we'll send the English Missionaries to her. She was really nice though, and it's just one of those times when you are so happy to be a missionary to share this message of happiness with people.

I'm grateful to be a missionary and I really love Union City. Hopefully I can stay here for a few transfers. I love learning how to be more responsible and continually trying to become more Christ-like. I know that that is how we can find happiness, in trying to be Christ-like in all that we do. I'm thankful to be serving and it's pretty crazy that almost 6 months have passed. There's a lot of work to be done, and a lot I still need to learn. I'm trying to learn to be more focused and not think so much about home or school or other things. I know that as I learn to do this I'm happier. Thank you all for your support and I hope all is going well with you. The Gospel is True!!! Love you all!!

Elder Hicks

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