Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow snow snow!

Yes, there is a lot of snow here. Or at least there was, but some of the piles of snow around here are taller than I am. We have seen cars that are completely covered with snow. It's pretty crazy for sure, but always makes for a good adventure I guess and provides a lot more opportunities to ask people if they need help.

Anyway... Hello again from the East Coast. Everything is going pretty great around here. When I said that I was going to kill my companion that's not what I meant. I meant it in the way that I'm going to be his last companion of his mission because it's his last transfer. So sorry, I should have made that more clear. We get along pretty well, although at times it's hard for us to communicate because he's not a native English speaker, but it's helping me learn greater patience, and helping me try to communicate more clearly.

Elder Sopena and I have seen some pretty great success this week. We didn't find many new investigators last week, but this week we found some who all have more or less great potential. My Spanish has also been improving a lot as I've been trying to study the Book of Mormon more in spanish. I still need to keep being diligent and trying to learn more and more. I gotta keep working on my grammer and learning a lot more vocabulary.

Last Monday Elder Sopena and I did FHE at the Church and we only had a few people come. We taught about Family History which is always good. There was a kid from Hong Kong there as well who was moving back to Hong Kong last week. I wrote a little note for Anthony (Or Elder Oliver my old roommate) and hope that somehow it can get to him. I just told the kid to give it to some missionary he sees there and hopefully it makes it there.

One of our main investigators named Ruth is continuing to progress. She's come to church like 3 times now. We've been trying to work with her by talking about the spirit and the power of prayer. This week we had a great FHE with her and a member family. We went over to her house to help her with her 4 little boys, and then we went to the Contrera family's. I think Ruth was a referral from the Contreras anyway, but I'm not sure exactly how they met. At the family home evening the Contreras taught about what we need to do to enter the temple and a little bit about eternal families. Then we at pizza and cake and just had a pretty great time. Hopefully Ruth enjoyed it as well.

We also had a pretty cool miracle this Sunday as well. Last week we met this teenage girl on the street real close to our house. We contacted her and then asked if there was a time that we could come by. She said yes and we went back on that day. Unfortunately when we went back she had forgotten and was busy cleaning but we got the opportunity to talk to her and her mom a little more. Her mom was talking to us about whether we had girlfriends, and said that we should go to the DR to marry someone there, and said that she would send 4 girls over to our house or something like that. It was kinda funny, but probably danger haha, but we did get to invite her to church and she agreed to come.

Later in the week we went back to see Diana (The teenage girl) and just remind her about church, and she said she was still good to go. As Sunday came around and the administration of the sacrament ended, we saw her walk in with her little sister. I was so happy to see that she actually came to church. After sacrament we took her and her little sister to drop her little sister off at primary. Then we went to sunday school to drop her off. Later we came back to Sunday School because she was sitting by herself but during the lesson the teacher talked about Missionary work and a little bit about baptism. During the lesson she asked Elder Sopena how she could get baptized. We were both excited to hear this of course. After sunday school she went with another young woman in the ward to young womans. After that we were having another baptism for the other elders, and she even stayed for that and had some good fellowship from the other teenagers in the ward. One of the girls had invited her to mutual and and she agreed to go. Later that night we went to teach Diana, and there were a ton of people there. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we wanted to set Diana with a baptismal date, but it was tough with all her family there. After the lesson she asked us about the Book of Mormon and we said we'd get her one on Tuesday. She's showing great interest though and we're really happy to have her as an investigator now. Last night when we called her on accident she said that she was reading the pamphlet that we gave her. We're going to try and set her with a baptismal date for the 20th of February.

So that's most of the big things that happened this week. Just another side, kinda funny story. Last night we were at the home of a recent convert named Edwin. We read from the Book of Mormon with him and as we were saying the closing prayer, we got a knock on the door. He opened it, and there happened to be some Catholic missionaries at the door. They started talking about some event they had, and actually had pretty good spanish. The companion who wasn't talking had already seen us and was kinda looking like, "Oh man, there's already missionaries here." Then after talking for a while at the door the other missionary finally saw us and was like, "Ohhhhh" and then he said something about how everyone was invited whether they were Catholic or not, and then he gave Elder Sopena and I some invitations. Elder Sopena in turn gave them a pass-a-long card for the Book of Mormon. I thought it was a pretty interesting experience though.

Things are going great and I'm learning to get more adjusted around here, and trying to be more diligent, and continuallly trying to become more Christlike. I love all of you so much, and I guess here I can try and help other families have that same love within their home and find the joy that the gospel brings. The Gospel is True!

Love all of You!!

Elder Hicks

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