Monday, August 8, 2011

Another year older, and wiser too!

Hola Familia, Como Estais?

Haha, thanks so much for the birthday wishes. Thanks so much for the birthday packages and things. I really appreciated them. I opened them today because we really should only open mail on P-days, so I had a pre-birthday celebration I guess you could say, although it wasn't quite as exciting. Maybe I can share of the goods tomorrow with the zone during district meeting.

But I do have some great news... Victor got baptized yesterday!!! It was pretty great. After reviewing the interview questions with him multiple times, he prayed about Joseph Smith, felt good about it, and passed the interview. More details to follow.

Last Tuesday Elder Jarrett and I did our first zone meeting. We introduced the zone goal to the zone, did some training on the importance of member work, and then had a KFC lunch to finish it off. From there we went on an exchange with a companionship that has been struggling. I had the opportunity to go with Elder Meyer from Canada. We went to this lesson with a member, and he had found something in the Book of Mormon about wine, and so that brought up the question of why we can't drink wine/ or why don't we use wine for the sacrament. We tried explaining the word of wisdom then got into the grape juice thing, and yeah, it was just too much time spent on something not too important. We did have the opportunity to go and visit the inactive guy who sent in a referral for himself because he wants to turn his life around. It was good to go over and talk to him, and get to know him. I'm happy that he has decided to change. At the end of the night, we got to go see the Tanner family. It was nice talking with them and getting to know them.

Wednesday was pretty great. We were able to have a zone conference about working with the leadership of the ward. We did some role-plays about meeting with the bishop for the first time, listened to Sister Jeppson sing a song about being healthy accompanied by President Jeppson on the guitar playing the tune of Michael Jacksons, "Beat it." It was pretty hilarious. We talked a little about health as well. The new music rules. President Jeppson switched it back to what is said in the Missionary Handbook, and does include EFY music. He also cleared Ipods for use, as well as musical instruments. And, they had a little mending room for all the missionaries to bring in clothes in need of sewing and stuff, so I got my pants mended which was pretty great.

We were able to go see Hanz, teach him a little English, as well as the gospel. He still couldn't quite put a date on the baptism, but he's getting there.

Thursday turned out to be a pretty great day as well, although after weekly planning we only had a few hours to work until Caldwell Correlation.

And I guess I'll just give you the news about Marilu. It is true that she was supposed to be baptized this week, but I told you about the doubt about coffee. Well last Sunday, she got sick. As she did last year when she got sick before church, she thinks that the sickness is a sign or answer from God about the truthfulness of the church. Satan is working on her pretty hard. Besides getting sick, one of the guys that was paying rent for a room in her apartment got caught by immigration, so she's taking that as another sign, and lastly, her brothers came to her and told her that she couldn't be baptized again, cause she was already baptized in the Catholic church and God wouldn't be too pleased. So there is sign number 3. We went over with Nephi to talk to her, and she just listened while we bore testimony of the church, and how she needed to be baptized for her own benefit. She didn't end up coming to church this week, so we 're not sure how things are going with her, or what exactly is going through her mind.

On Friday, I headed out on another exchange with Elder Watkins, and had some interesting experiences there. We had the opportunity to go teach this older gentleman named Mr. Rogers, and it was pretty tough. I think I got too much into the habit of trying to convince him, and I wasn't really throwing down, but I wasn't exactly teaching in the way I should of. I guess it gets hard to know what is boldness and what is overbearance. Later we got to teach this guy from the middle east. He was super smart, and we tryed teaching him about God being our loving Heavenly Father, and about the Pre-earth life. We weren't able to get much progress there either. They are really great people, but it's definitely tougher.

On Saturday we went and helped a family that is moving to Idaho. We helped pack up the truck, although I heard that yesterday they had to unpack it all, and repack it or something like that. Sounds pretty stressful.

Sunday was a pretty great day. Hermano Chachuka asked us to teach Elders Quorum right before it started, so we had to come up with something to teach, but it actually went pretty well. We were able to teach about Member missionary work.

Then the time of the baptism came. I was priviledged to do the baptism for Victor. We had two baptisms at the service. One for an 8 year old girl, and another for Victor. We didn't really work with the 8 year old because she is a child of record I guess you would call it. Hanz was able to come to the last 2 hours of church, and then to the baptism. Martin was able to get off work so he could come to the first hour of church.

It was a pretty great week, and this week should be great as well. It's actually the last week of the transfer. I'm pretty sure both Elder Jarrett and I are going to stay, but things should be switching up as far as the zone goes.

Well, my last day of a teenager is coming to a near close. 20 years old huh? I don't feel quite that old, still like a teenager. I still have a lot of growing up to do I think. But I guess that's why I still have a whole nother (why do we sometimes say it like that?) "Another whole" year of mission left. Thanks again for all your support and love. I'm glad to hear all is going well.
Love all of you so much!!

Elder Hicks

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