Monday, August 29, 2011

Earthquake, Hurricane, and upcoming Baptism!

Yes, I did survive so no worries. Thanks for all your prayers. It wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be but it did cause some pretty big flooding here in Passaic.

This has been a pretty good week overall.

We finally got to go see the Saenz family again, and they are so cool. It's pretty amazing having a whole family sitting around and listening although it does get a little intimidating. Then it gets kinda difficult cause you have to explain it in Spanish and then English so the kids can understand. But we had some great lessons with them this week. We were able to talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and talk a little bit more about the Restoration. I asked them what they would have to do if they found out this church is true, The mom responded that they would need to be baptized. The lesson before, we invited them to be baptized and the Mom sounded like she really wanted it for her kids, so we'll see how they keep progressing.

On Tuesday we were able to go up to new city for a district meeting, and although we didn't feel it, there was an earthquake. We were driving so we didn't get the experience, but we've talked to many who did feel it. I was able to get my flu shot as well on tuesday so no worries there. About a week ago, I got a call from someone in Utah who wanted us to go and visit her nephew who is going through a hard time. So we headed out to see Ramon from Honduras. He's is such a good guy. He really is going through a hard time, with problems in their marriage and everything. He has to leave his son and wife to move out, and he's headed to Georgia. He didn't know too much about religion, and as we explained the Atonement and a little more about Jesus Christ, you could see some light coming into his eye's. He sounded like he was prepared to be baptized, but he's going to Georgia, so it'll have to be the missionaries there. We got to visit with Hanz and talk about the Word of Wisdom some more, and he's going to try and live it. We were able to go see Ana, who has a date for the 18th, and teach her about the importance of reading the Book of Mormon daily.

Wednesday consisted of a move out, of one of the houses in Paterson, and then a trip to the dermatologist. I went into the office and the doctor had me take my shirt off. He took a stick, and scratched across my back with it, (Which actually kinda hurt), and was able to diagnose me just by the way my skin reacted to the scratches. Looks like we were right... I do have hives. So I guess here's a little explanation of what it is. He says that it's a disease that they don't really know what causes it, it just kinda comes out of the blue, and basically anything can trigger them. He has seen patients have them from anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. So the treatment... Well I have to go and get a blood test just to make sure that it's not from some other disease that I possibly have, but now I'm taking a Claritin each day, with Zantac. Now you may ask... Why Zantac, I mean it is a medication for Ulcers, but apparently Claritin + Zantac = something very synergistic in order to defeat hives. So I'll be on those medications for about a month, until I go and see the dermatologist again. I think the Zantac will be good for me, not only for the hives, but in case I do have some sort of ulcers or stomach problems, hopefully the Zantac can heal it.

On Wednesday night, we were able to go and see Sylvia (Baptismal goal for Sept 25th) and we began to teach her the plan. When we started talking about our life on earth, we began to talk about commandments. We decided to teach her the Word of Wisdom, and surprisingly, she was willing to live it, really no questions asked. I guess it's because her friend Hno Contreras had already explained some of it to her.

On Friday we were able to go to zone leader council again which was pretty awesome. They talked a lot about Leadership Skills, and really developing love for our missionaries. We also did a role-play about reproving missionaries, which was actually pretty tough. I'm still not very good at it, which I guess is good that I haven't had to reprove much before. The meeting ran a little late, and that sorta pushed our day back more. We were late to an appointment with an Inactive named Carmen Santiago from Panama. She kept talking and talking, but it turned out perfectly, because her daughter Cheryl (Member- Inactive) came in with her Boyfriend Camillo. He's a pretty prepared soul. We asked him what he knew about the Book of Mormon, and he told us about how it contains important stuff that is missing from the Bible. Something along those lines. We taught him, and he want's to come to church. Hopefully this will help Carmen and Cheryl be active again in the church.

On Saturday, we had a good district leader council with the district leaders about the zone goal for the month of September, and then we were able to go see some good member families, and see Alberto and Loordis again. We had a really good lesson with them, but had to get running as we were told we needed to be home by 7 o'clock because of the Hurricane.

Well, I think this was the first time Church was ever cancelled in my life, but I think it was cancelled throughout the whole state. So President Jeppson gave us permission to do the sacrament for ourselves, and Elder Jarrett and I did our own little sacrament meeting. We were in the house for most of the day because we weren't allowed to leave, but that gave us some good time to plan our Zone Meeting tomorrow. When we were finally allowed to leave, we went and did the sacrament with some of the other Elders, and some of the sister missionaries that wanted to take it.

And the night ended off with another Miracle. We were able to go see Martin (Date for the 4th of sept) and teach him a little more from the interview questions. Elder Lee finally arrived to do the interview... and Martin passed!!! I got a little worried because he wasn't quite sure about a living day prophet, but he has a testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, and is going to get baptized next week. We are super happy and excited for him!!

A picture with the camel Elder Jarrett gave me on my Hump Day (picture was taken today).

But yeah, that was basically my week in a nut shell. Thanks again for all your support!
The Gospel is True, and the Lord does have a plan for everyone.

Love you all so much!

Elder Hicks

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