Monday, October 17, 2011

Another Transfer Gone

(Letter September 26, 2011)

Hello Family,

So... the news came in at about 11 oclock last night. I Elder Hicks, will not be getting transferred, and neither will my companion. That's right, Elder Jarrett and I are together again for one more transfer until Elder Jarrett packs his bags and heads home in 6 weeks. Which means, that I will probably be in Passaic for at least 2 more transfers, and it is very unlikely to double-out zone leaders. So let us commence with another exciting transfer. I just read the list of names of the missionaries coming into the mission today, and I actually know 2 of them, I think. I'm pretty sure one played football and Timpview, and the other named I recognized was Daniel Wells (I'm pretty sure he lived at the house where the Nelsons live right now, across the street from the Nemelka family). So that will be pretty cool to see both of them. As such, time continues to fly by. Yesterday my companion Elder Sopena called me to see how I was doing. When he left, I had just hit my 6 month mark, and then he asked me on the phone yesterday how much time I had left in the mission, and I told him 11 months... That 11 months is going to fly.

Things went back to normal, almost, this week. We didn't have to serve within the week which was pretty nice. On Tuesday after a super amazing district meeting, I was able to go on an exchange with Elder Tilley from Tennessee. We had a good day together, and even got asked if we were brothers. (Probably cause we are both tall and lanky). On Wednesday, we were able to go and visit a member Hermana Zamorah, and she fed us some delicious Lomo Soltado (I'm not quite sure how you spell it, its from Peru).

Our investigators are doing pretty great, well at least some of them. You've probably noticed that I haven't written about the Saenz family in forever, that's basically cause we haven't seen them in forever. We've had set appointments, but they either aren't there, or they have to cancel. It gets pretty frustrating, and I don't know if we should just drop them. They are just pretty busy people like almost everyone around here. On a high note though, while I was working in Caldwell with Elder Tilley, Elder Jarret, Tippetts, and Lopez came to Passaic and they were able to set a baptismal date with Marilu. And we did get to see Francisco as well. He's still pretty awesome and is still preparing for the 23rd of October. And I guess on the highest note, last night we went to teach Manuel, with Marcelino and Martin. We have been working to set Manuel with a date like he had in the past, but he is always unsure. Last night we taught a nail lesson of the restoration (Nail Lesson- a visual lesson of the restored church of Jesus Christ, I would just have to show you one day). And you could just see the light in his eyes, that he was understanding the importance of authority. Had a great lesson with him, and we were able to set him with a baptismal date for the 16th of October. All 3 of them were pretty excited for conference this week.
We also had another pretty amazing experience this week. We received a referral from the English elders a few weeks ago that was originally from a member in Connecticut. They gave it to us, because the referral prefers Spanish. Her name is Susan Silva from Peru. We had been trying to call and contact her for awhile, but to no avail. We had never made a trip out to visit her, because it was quite a drive away. We decided on Friday to go and visit a family of members, and planned to go and see Susan right before. We went to the address we had, but we had no apartment, and so there were about 20 possible doors where she could live. We figured we would leave, and even got in the car and started driving away, but we had called the english elders, and they said they didn't have the apartment number. They sent us the number of the friend in Connecticut, and she didn't know the apartment number, but she explained to us what door it was. So we went back to the apartment, found the door, and gave it a knock. A man answered, and we asked if Susan was there. He went back and got her, and when she saw us, she was super nice and invited us in. We went in, and although we didn't have enough time to teach them a lesson, we talked a little bit, and she seems pretty prepared. What is even greater, is that we happened to catch her on her day off! We are super excited to start teaching her, her husband Marcelo, and their Daughter. Not to mention, this lady lives on Gold street. You just don't get any better than that.
Saturday came, and another day of service commenced. There were only enough people for 2 crews, so roughly 16 to 20 people. We worked with Elder Munk (From my MTC district) Elder Ruano (From Guatamala) Sister Word (MTC district) Sister Lowry (Canada) and with a branch member from Paterson. We went to our assigned house, and basically spent the whole day there. Elder Munk and I worked on taking the 3 or 4 fridges that were in the house.  Elder Munk and I went to work taking the doors off and everything, and yeah, let's just say it was not a pretty job. We took out the flooring, tore down the sheet rock, and then most of our crew had to leave. It was a pretty good Saturday though finishing it off with some delicious Tacos with the Garcias, and then a big bowl of Ice Cream at the Sanchez.

And so September comes to a close, and I haven't been to a 3 hour block of church since before the hurricane which was at the very end of August. They did have normal meetings this week, but Elder Jarrett and I volunteered to go to work on Sunday, and so we had a little Sacrament meeting, and started doing more jobs. We finished pretty early in the afternoon, so it wasn't too bad, but I'll be excited to get back on the normal schedule of church. They called it good in Patterson, and they aren't going to be doing any more work there, but we do have to do service on wednesday of this week up in Emerson.
So mission life is still a little different, but it is slowly going back to normal. At least it never really gets dull. I'm excited for this new transfer, and to learn even more. I really love the members here in Passaic, and I'm so grateful to be a missionary. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. He performed the greatest act in the history of mankind, when he died for each one of us. I know that our Heavenly Father watches over us, and his vision far surpasses what we can see. I know that everything works together for our good, and even when trials and afflictions do arise, it is but a small moment. I know that if grandma does pass on, she will be able to enjoy paradise with her brothers and sisters, and that she can rest from all her troubles and worries.

Know that I love you all so so much, and this is really where I'm supposed to be right now. Thanks for all your support.
Elder Hicks

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