Monday, October 31, 2011

Back to the Promised Land

Well at least for today. 
(Letter dates October 24, 2011)

Today I'm back in Union City, because Elder Jarrett is on his end of mission Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty trip. So I'm here with Elder Taylor. Actually just had a weird experience in the library. The guy next to me stood up to leave, said, "Romney", and I said "What?" cause I didn't really know what he said. Then he said "Romney", and then said "That's all I have to say", and then he walked away telling us to have a good day or something like that.  So I don't really know what that encounter means, or what he was trying to say, but I least he recognized us right?

Oh, and on a high note, I heard today from the UC elders, that my recent convert Hector received the Melchizedek Priesthood yesterday!! How cool is that!! He is doing so great! 

This week has been pretty hectic, involving 2 exchanges, a cold, no voice, giving a talk, and then coming to Union City. But I guess I'll start from the beginning. 

So on Monday, we had the opportunity to do a short exchange with the Assistants. We received a referral from a member in the assistants area, and so we did an exchange so one of us could be their to teach them in an FHE. It was pretty great working with Elder Larsen, and learning and talking with him. Sadly the exchange was short, but it was still a really good experience. Then I went straight from the exchange, and drove with Elder Jarrett to do another Exchange in Caldwell. I had the opportunity to work with Elder Marshall who is still in training. We had a pretty good day together. We taught this cool guy named Alex that they had been working with, and we found out that he had never prayed about the Book of Mormon. We invited him to pray about it, and also to pray about baptism, as he refused to set a date on it. Which by the way, I learned on the exchange that supposedly Conen O Brien lives in their area... but Elder Marshall said supposedly he's pretty Catholic. But a miracle happened in Passaic while I was in Caldwell. So I guess Sylvia wasn't able to make it to our appointment, but she did call and she said that she got her work scheduled changed so that she would be able to come to church every other sunday! Miracle right! Which means that we may be able to move her baptismal date up to the 6th or maybe even the 30th.

On Wednesday, we got to go and see Loonardo again, with one of our members Hermano Chuchuca. It turned out to be a super good lesson, and Leonardo did his reading. We taught about the restoration, and about the importance of the Book of Mormon. He still doesn't have a ton of religious background, but he is going to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. 

On Thursday we found our Investigator Francisco again. He's been super busy with work and helping other people out. He still wants to be baptized, and I was like, "Hey, ready for your baptism on Sunday" cause that's when his date was for. He sounded up to it, but sadly he hasn't been to church, and we went a few weeks without being able to teach him, but we reset him for November 20th. 

On Friday we went to go and see a less active named Hermana Echeverria. She didn't happen to be their, but one of her grandsons Anthony was there. We talked to him and found out that he wasn't a member. He said that he was almost baptized like 4 times, but never did because of transferring missionaries and everything. We taught him a lesson, and hopefully we can continue to follow up with him. His mom, and grandma are both members, but Less Active, so it could be hard for him to have support to go to church, but we will do what we can.  We have also started teaching this other awesome investigator named Meri. She is a friend of a Recent- Convert, and she really wants to change her life. We taught her the plan of salvation, which she seemed to understand really well, and then using what we had practice earlier while doing role-plays during comp study, we set her with a baptismal date/goal for November 20th. 

Sunday came around, and because of the cold front coming in, my cold was pretty developed. I got sick on Tuesday in the middle of the night, and the later stages followed throughout the week. On Saturday evening, I basically lost my voice. I was supposed to be giving a talk the following day, but I wasn't too sure about it because of my lost voice. The morning came, and it still wasn't too good. But, I got blessed enough to have a good enough voice to give my talk for about 10 or 15 minutes, and it all turned out alright. After that though, I didn't have much of a voice throughout the day. Today it's a little better, although I haven't quite gotten my voice back. 

Unfortunately last night didn't bring the results that we were hoping. Manuel had his interview last night, and still isn't quite ready to be baptized. We'll have to keep working with him, and helping him really receive a spiritual confirmation. 
It was a great week though, and this week should bring some great results as well. My companion is coming down to the finish line, and we gotta push until the very end!

The Gospel is True!

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