Saturday, January 7, 2012

I know that my redeemer lives. . .

My Cousin David 
(Letter December 12,2011)

I guess I had to experience losing someone, sometime throughout my mission.

That's pretty incredible that Dad was able to receive that inspiration to call President Jeppson right at that time. I heard the phone ring during the "Jingle with the Jeppson's," but who knew it was my own Father on the end of the line. President told me he needed to talk to me as we finish up the "jingle" and that's when I received the news of David's accident and passing. 

You know, I'm actually taking it a lot better than I thought I would. It may be the Lord protecting me from completely breaking down, or it may be the fact that I'm on the other side of the country and i'm just kind of in another world. I feel sad, sorry, mostly for all those back home that are hurting immensely. But I know that we will see David again. As said in Alma 40: There is a place prepared for those who are righteous, as state of paradise, where they can rest from all their troubles, and cares. I've been thinking more about the spirit world this week and what it must be like. I've been thinking what David is thinking now. It seems that passing would be super sad because you are leaving so many family members behind, but I know he is in a better place. I talk I would highly recommend is President Monson's talk from Conference (I think in 2010 or 2009) titled "He Lives." I guess one memory of David will be a lot more meaningful for me than I thought it would. I remember after my mission farewell, David sat down next to me, and was giving me advice about my mission. Unfortunately I can't recall what he said, but I remember what he did, and then he pulled off his tie he was wearing, and gave it to me to take on my mission. I know that David was an amazing missionary and an amazing cousin. He loved all of us so much and he really wanted me to have a great mission. That moment will mean a lot more to me now when I think of my great cousin David.

 I think as a missionary, the Lord is protecting me with an added measure of the spirit and the comforter. The "sting" of death is really swallowed up in Christ. I know that there is a plan for each one of us! I was reading today in "Our search for Happiness" and it talked about why bad things have to happen, and how we can cope with adversity. I recommend that to. But it talked about how the Lord cherishes us having our agency so much, that sometimes we suffer the consequences of someones misuse of agency. I know the Lord watches over us, and loves each one of us. I know he has given us the comforter to help us cope with tough times. I know that he will watch over each one of you, and will help you in troubling times. "Trust in the lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine understanding. Acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5, ps, sorry if I quoted that wrong).

This past week has been pretty busy here in the field. On Tuesday I got to go on an exchange with Elder Lopez from Argentina, but we didn't get much of an opportunity to work together because we were called to go help some senior sisters move out. The worst part, other than the fact that it was raining, was the marvelous pull-out bed couch that we had to carry. I know we all love those, especially Aaron. It wasn't all too bad, and luckily we didn't have to carry it up any stairs. I just need to be better about lifting with my legs. Jimena is progressing poco a poco. We taught her this week and though asking questions she said that she had already prayed about the Book of Mormon in the past, and the Lord told her it was true! She knows the church is true, but she just isn't quite ready to commit to the answer she has been given. We had a 20 minute lucha with her about coming to church, and got her to commit to coming next Sunday. We'll see where things go with her.

On Thursday, we had to drive all the way up to New City, New York to do a baptismal interview for Elder Long (The movie star that's being filmed for a product the church is putting out). It was kinda weird having to knock and act, but not act as we walked into the interview. I did the interview, and luckily they didn't film it, but unfortunately the person I interviewed wasn't quite ready, and needs another interview. They filmed me coming out and saying he needed another interview which was kind of odd, but I guess those things happen in missionary work.

The Jingle with the Jeppsons was a blast. We had an amazing breakfast, played white elephant with some ties (I got a cool byu colored tie) and then we played some songs using bells (Like Mo-tab uses, but not as nice), which was super fun. We read a little bit in the Bible about the birth of Christ, and then we headed back to our areas. I received the bad news right after.

But some good news is, yesterday Guillermo received the Aaronic priesthood and became a Priest. Sadly he didn't have the priesthood on Saturday, else he would have gone to the temple with the other jovenes, but he'll get to go someday soon.
The week ended on a spiritual high last night, as we warmed up our voices and sang in our annual missionary Christmas fireside. The spirit was pretty strong, and it was great to see some of the former people  I knew from Union City!

The last week of the transfer is here, and who knows where I will be headed in the coming weeks. Am I staying or am I going? I talked to Elder Larsen last night, one of the assistants, and he said I was going to Newark, which I think he said because he knows I'm afraid to go there, but he could have been serious. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

The area is still struggling, and needs some serious rebuilding. Hopefully we can make this week faith-filled and see a lot of miracles. P-day actually ends at 2 today, because we are going to the temple on Wednesday which should be pretty great! I'm excited!

Thanks so much for your love and support, and for all that you have done for me to help me grow and become the person I am today. Know that you are in my heart and in my prayers! I love you all so much!
Elder Hicks

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