Saturday, January 7, 2012

One more . . .

 (Letter dated December 19, 2011

.... That's right, I will be staying in Passaic for yet another transfer, making it #5 and by the end about 6 and 1/2 months. I really do like Passaic though. The members are all amazing, out apartmentship is good (staying the same), and we found out of a member that has Skype! I'm not sure if I really know how to use it, so we'll see if we can get it all worked out. I'll probably call on Christmas Eve to set up the call, get all the Skype info and stuff. So we'll see if that works, if not, we will just have to play it old-school I guess.

Sorry to hear about the tough week. Sorry I can't be there to help out, but I am where I'm supposed to be. Things here in Passaic are going alright. The area hasn't grown much more than the last week. But we didn't have a pretty great miracle with Jimena. Keep in mind that this is the girl that was forced into the room by her mom to listen to us. She's slowly opened up throughout our lessons, and after some good conversation, testifying, and the such, Jimena agreed to be baptized on February 5th if she comes to know the message is really true by that time. That was a big blessing!

   That's about all the news as far as our investigators go. This transfer has been a bit of a struggle as far as the work goes, and it's possibly something the Lord wanted Elder Erikson and I to experience and to learn from. The Lord gave us the blessing of staying together for at least another transfer to see if we can improve things. It will be a good transfer though, and I'm excited to start over and try to really get this area rolling. I would want to leave the Area better off than I found it, and if I would have left this week, that definitely wouldn't have been the case.

The temple experience was really great this year. We rounded up a majority of the missionaries in our zone and made plans to head to New York. We arose, drove to Union City, hopped on the "Gua-Gua" (little buses all over the place) and drove through the Lincoln tunnel to arrive in... "New York!" This was my first experience walking through Times Square on my mission. It was super cool to be in such a touristic place, but it was also a big welcome to Babylon. Some advertisements were just super inappropriate, but we made it to the temple where the contrast is immense. Going from Babylonia into the House of the Lord. It was a great temple session though. A time to feel the spirit, and to think about how I'm doing. It was a great recharge for my spiritual battery, and since then has given me greater desires to be more organized, more obedient, and to use my time more wisely.  The trip home from New York was a little more stressful being in the back of a tiny "Gua-Gua" packed, and me with my long legs in the back row. We got stuck in some traffic which is never fun, but it was a trip well worth it.
On Saturday we had our Passaic Christmas party which turned out great. Santa came! We got a picture with him, but had to take off before the party finished. You know, with the whole curfew thing.
That was basically the recap of our week. Not too much going on, but we are excited to rebuild. I think Elder Erikson and I are capable of doing a lot more than we have been doing. Now it's just time to buckle down even more, hit the pavement, and have faith to see Christmas Miracles!

 I'm excited to talk you Y'all this Christmas. Remember that it can only be between 30-40 minutes. But the "Longest term" is over of the time that I won't be able to talk to you by phone. Thanks for all your support and love! Tell Everyone I say Hi! And have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas!!! Love you mucho!
   The Gospel is True!
Elder Hicks
Elder Brickey's Hot Seat!

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