Monday, February 13, 2012


(Letter dated January 30, 2012)

Well... last night included a bitter-sweet call from President Jeppson. He called me and told me it was time for my release as a zone leader... but right after that told me how the Lord had called me as a District Leader!! So I did get dropped, but I'm excited to be a district leader again and apply the things that I've learned as a zone leader. When I was a district leader 7 months ago, I didn't really understand what my role was too much, but now having worked more in leadership, I understand it a little more clearly and can better help the missionaries in my district out. 

So yes, the time has come for Elder Hicks to depart from the wonderful "Land of Plenty" Passaic NJ, and onward onto... Well, I'm not too sure where I'm going yet, and I won't find out till tomorrow. So today is going to include a lot of packing, and a lot of picture taking and "despedidas" to the people of Passaic that I've grown to love so much.

This past week has been pretty adventurous indeed. 

Jimena Lazaro: This has been quite an interesting week for Jimena.  We went and taught her early in the week reviewing the baptismal questions, and seeing if she had anymore questions for us, which she didn't. Friday came around and Elder Tilley came to do Jimena's baptismal interview. We sat down in the dining room, and one of the first things Jimena tells us was that she wants to change her baptism to April...? We were pretty surprised too. We can't blame her though, because the reason she wants to wait is so her dad can baptize her when he gets back from Washington in 2 months. I don't know why it's going to take so long, but Jimena had her interview anyway. She passed it for the most part except she still needs to gain a stronger testimony as Thomas S Monson as our prophet. It's probably a blessing in disguise though so that Jimena has the opportunity to grow more spiritually, and become really committed to come to church each week. She didn't come this week but the reason was because her sister was sick. I went by last night to say farewell to the Lazaro Family, and got a picture with them. I had to take the picture at the door though because their was no "hombre" so we couldn't go into the house.

Angie: This has been a pretty incredible week for Angie. We had an appointment on Monday with her, but the Vasquez family informed us that they wouldn't be home, and so we weren't going to be able to teach Angie there that night. Things came together though as we were able to take her the FHE at the Bello House. (The Bello family is one of the most amazing families here in Passaic). We had a great lesson there about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Jennifer Bello (17 yrs old) actually new Angie from school, so it wasn't completely foreign land to her. Angie told us a story about how she saved a stab victim awhile ago, and that was the reason the Bello family had actually heard of Angie before. We taught Angie a few days later about the restoration, and committed her to read and pray, which she agreed to. We also set her with a baptismal date for February 19th! She came to church yesterday, and I think she'll progress pretty quick!
Yudelka and Argenis: We are taking more of a shot-gut approach with Yudelka and Argenis instead of a sniper approach. I mean that in the sense that instead of just focusing strictly on Yudelka (cause she's not really that interested), we are trying to teach the family as a whole and hope that some of the bullets (or feelings of the spirit, and understanding) hit Yudelka on the way. Last night we had a pretty incredible lesson with them about the Atonement. We had an FHE, and as we started we pulled out the cake we brought and offered some to Argenis. He readily accepted, but I told him that the cake had to be paid for, so Elder Erikson got down and did 20 push-ups. I took the cake to francisco, and he accepted it to, but I told him it had to be paid for, so Elder Erikson did 20 more push-ups. Then we got to Yudelka, and having understood that the cake would cost Elder Erikson 20 push-ups, she refused it. I told her that the cake was still here, and it still needed to be paid for, so Elder Erikson had to do 20 more push-ups. I got to Dolores, and she took the cake reluctantly asking if she could pay the price herself, but we stated that Elder Erikson would have to pay the price, so she took some cake, and then Elder Erikson did 20 more push-ups. We got to Leonardo who took the cake, costing 20 more push-ups. I thought we were going to be done after that, but their was 2 other kids in the back room who chose not to particpate in the FHE. Elder Erikson said to give some cake to them... I asked Dolores if the kids wanted some cake, and she said they weren't participating, but the cake was still there, so Elder Erikson did 40 more push-ups rouding it off at 160 push-ups. He was struggling and sweating at the very end. And as you can see, the lesson represented how the Atonement works in our own life. Christ paid for everyone's sins, and it's up to us to except that sacrifice or not. It was a pretty amazing lesson. (A picture of the Hernandez family is included).
Our other investigators are doing alright, those are the main one's though. We've been able to work with other less-actives, and find new people. After dropping Amaya because of lack of communication, we saw her in the street and Elder Erikson jumped out of the car to go talk to her. She said we could come over the next day, but didn't end up being there. Sometimes people are too nice to just say no...

We had another interesting experience last night as we went to the Branch President's house to say farewell. We expected to be there for 30 seconds to take a picture and say Ciao, but President sat us down, and said "Elder's I'm going to try and do something." He explained how he wanted us to explain about how the mission has helped us and he went to gather his 3 less-active children to come listen. (All college aged). President definitely put us on the spot. I talked about how much I liked Passaic and how great the members were and showing how to be Member Missionaries. It turned out to be a pretty great little visit, and I included a picture with the family.
I had the opportunity to go on an exchange this week with Elder Jensen which went pretty well. It was good to work with him and try to help him out with some things he was struggling with. I felt kind of bad that we hadn't done the exchange earlier so that we could have helped him and his companion earlier on in the transfer.
But alas, that's the basic summary of the week. As for the weather... Can anyone say spring? It snowed last Saturday, but during the week it's rained, and been ranging from the 30's to almost the 60's as far as temperature is concerned. It's sunny today, and there's no snow on the ground. So that's been pretty nice. I'm excited to see what this new transfer has to bring and new experiences I'll receive. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support. 

The Gospel is True! One really interesting things I was reading today was in the Ensign. It was about "Choosing Happiness." It talks about how every time we have a trial or adversity, it is giving to us to test our faith, increase our humility and compassion for others. I took that to hopefully learn to never take sicknesses for granted, but to take them for the learning experiences they are. There is also a testimony of a lady who had been through tons of Health problems and she talks about how there came a time when she was really depressed. Looking back on that time of her life, she realized that she was spending all her time and energy thinking about and feeling bad for herself. She said that those emotional feelings went away as she focused on serving others. I think that is one of my greatest weaknesses... Feeling bad for myself and thinking about myself when I maybe don't feel 100 percent. I need to better learn how to just forget myself, and get lost in the service of others. Then all of those sad feeling will disappear.
I Love you so much family!
Elder Hicks
I guess to explain the title... I put that because another former zone leader and I always joked about how he was an Emeritus Zone Leader, and I guess now I'm joining the ranks.

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