Monday, February 13, 2012


(Letter January 9 2012)

Hello Everyone!

  Thanks so much for your letters and support. A new week is here, and it's time to recap the happenings of last week. Last week after I wrote my letter we had another great lesson with Jimena. We taught her about tithing and fasting, and willingly agreed to both, except that she didn't want to have to fast on Sundays because that's when she eats at home. But we got things worked out. We tried to commit her to fast for this coming Sunday and she told us that she would think about it. Still seeing progress though. Later that night we went to the Hernandez family's house. They are less-active but still have strong testimonies. They are dominican as well. We went into the lesson only to find that one of their sons had moved in with his non-baptized wife, and 2 of his kids (Ages 9 and 7). We set up a return appointment with them, and we were super excited that we had found a family.  It was actually a little strange, because earlier in the day I was writing to President about my New Year's resolutions which included becoming more consecrated, developing more charity, improving the quality of my prayers and studies, and finding a family to teach and baptize. Then that night, we found a family. I'm not sure if I'll be here in Passaic when that day arrives for that family, but nonetheless, we were really happy to receive that blessing from the Lord.

   On Wednesday it was a little harder to find people to teach. We went back to a former that I had taught a few months ago with Elder Jarrett name Damilka. Disappointingly, she told us that she was joining the Jehovah's Witnesses. We testified, and invited her to pray about the church, but there wasn't much else we could do. She might not get the whole restoration thing very well. I guess we just move on to find those that are prepared.

On Thursday we spent the majority of the day weekly planning for out investigators, and then had to go to a meeting after that. The meeting was for stake correlation, but the missionaries didn't say much until the end. The Stake president brought in 8 pizza's, and there were only 10 people there, so we had a pretty good meal. Later that night we had an excellent lesson with Katherine (Recent-convert of about a year) and Gustavo (Husband, was less active for a long time, but now serves as the branch secretary). We taught them about setting spiritual new year's resolutions, and they have a lot they want to accomplish this year, including entering the temple! They are definitely one of my favorite couples here in Passaic.

Friday was even more so miraculous, with another great lesson with Amaya. We cleared up some of her questions she had, and then invited her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. She even agreed to be baptized if she came to know that it was true! We had a great lesson with Guillermo and Gerardo that day about missionary work. (Gerardo received the priesthood yesterday). Their final commitment was to prepare to serve missions one day! Our lesson with Jimena later that day was incredible. We took Hermano Bello, his son Junior, and his daughter Jennifer (The one who introduced us to Guillermo and Gerardo). It was so perfect. We retaught fasting and committed Jimena to fast this week, and she agreed, and then we spent the majority of the lesson talking briefly about the restoration, and how we can recognize the Holy Ghost. We identified some occasions that Jimena has spoken of in which she has felt the Holy Ghost, and tried to explain to her what those occasions were. The lesson was about to come to a close without Jennifer having said anything. We about wrap it up, and then she stopped and said she wanted to bear her testimony. She blew the lesson away, and she got teary and explained how the Holy Ghost has blessed her in her life, especially in overcoming worrisome times. She bore powerful testimony, and the lesson came to a very satisfying close. Then we got to go and see the Hernandez again, and shared a brief introduction to what we do and committed them all to come to church.

Saturday came around, and I headed to Caldwell to do an exchange with Elder Lopez and Elder Tilley, while Elder Noxon came to our area. It was pretty fun working in a trio with two elders that are some of my best friends here. It was surprisingly warm on Saturday getting up to about 60 degrees. Even a sweater was a little too warm for part of the day. The day went well, and we had a great lesson with one of their investigators with a baptismal date. I guess the coolest part was that during the lesson Brother De La Cruz (Formerly Elder De La Cruz about a year ago) walked in and bore his testimony and did a great job helping us out. After the lesson he called up one of his former companions... Elder Yates (went home about 6 months ago)! I got to talk to my trainer on the phone for a few minutes and tell him how things were going. It was fantastic, although kind of strange.
Sunday came around and Jimena came to church again for the 3rd time in a row! The Hernandez family came as well! It was a great day at church, and Jimena continues to progress towards baptism. We gave her a baptismal calendar this past week, and she still agreed to prepare herself for the 5th of February, which is unfortunately after transfers. Hopefully we can move it up one week, but if not, I guess that's just life.
It really was a great week, and it was great to see the area grow even a little bit more. I love being a missionary! I know that the church is true, and that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that miracles come after the trial of our faith, and that we must "Pray like everything depends on the Lord, and work like everything depends on us." I know that this is the work of the Lord, and that he is preparing his people. I know that the spirit is the most important thing in this work, and that the spirit will help us know what we should do. I know that we are able to receive revelation, even if it's in the smallest forms, line upon line, precept upon precept, that we may not even consciously recognize it. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that through him we can overcome weaknesses, trials, sin, and death.
I love you all so much!
Love Elder Hicks

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