Monday, November 1, 2010

Well to do - Looks like we're not in Utah anymore!

Hello Everyone! Greeting from New Jersey.
I've been here on the east coast for about a week now and everything is going pretty well.

First to start off, Sorry if any of you sent anything to the mission home lately. I won't get it for about 5 weeks until the next transfer conference. But you can send mail directly to my apartment which the address is:

496 Pavonia Av. #1A
Jersey City, NJ 07306.

And there you go, that's where I have been assigned to serve for I don't even know how long. Jersey City is a pretty cool place. In some parts of it you can see NYC which is pretty awesome. In December we'll get to go to NYC and go to the temple and hang around there for a P-day.

October 25 Departure Day:
Well these past 24 hours have been crazy for sure. Last night we had a great devotional and a great district testimony meeting. I woke up at 4:10 AM and finished packing and getting ready for the day, and then it was out to the bus. Farewell MTC. We went to the airport where we just kinda waited awhile cause our flight was delayed. Then we got on our plane and it was farewell Utah for 22 months. The flight was pretty good. I mostly just tried sleeping and we didn't sit by someone who wasn't a member so I didn't get that contacting opportunity, although who knows if I would have taken it had it been a nonmember. It was a little strange being back in the real world with everyone on their cell phones and computers, and the sound of music and TV's, but I guess you just gotta get used to it.

After our flight we met the mission president and took a big group picture. Then he gave us some snacks and told one of the Assistants to take us to Newark and then to the Mission home. That's right, the time for the Fear Buster was here. I had heard of it before, but now it was real. We drove to the center of Newark where it's kinda a metropolitan area, but there's just a lot of people chillin out in the streets. I'll admit I was definitely a little scared. I got out of the car and Elder Guinto was like, "Elder Hicks!" and then he picked me up or something. I guess he had heard that I was coming to New Jersey from one of my BYU friends Miranda. So he was my companion for the Fear Buster. A whole bunch of missionaries gathered in a circle and started singing Called to Serve really loud, then all of a sudden we just scattered and starting contacting a bunch of people all over the place. We talked to different people and I got to see what kinda beliefs they had, and a lot of them looked like they would maybe be accepting of the Gospel. We handed out pass a long cards and I guess if they're interested they can call the number. It was a good experience to do the Fear Buster though for sure.

We went back to the church building and ate some great food, had some interviews, and then later went to bed. The next day was the day I was supposed to get my new companion. We went to transfer conference and they assigned me with.... Elder Yates! My Trainer/Father of my mission. He's an awesome companion. His spanish is was good and he's pretty hilarious. He kinda reminds me of Cousin Jared and Brian Regan sometimes. We get along really well. When we go out teaching he does most of the talking though because I can't really understand what the people we talk to are saying.

In our Area, It is a walking area, so we don't have a car as of now, but maybe one day when I get transferred. The next day we went to the Garcia's and taught them and they gave us some pretty delicious food. It was like rice and ham but yeah... Our first 2 days here were like really warm and humid, and then after those... Boom... it just got pretty cold. The wind makes it way colder.

Our first day we went to Hermana Arranda's (I think from Ecuador) to teach. She's a member, and she's in a care center. She is really like one of the nicest old ladies. I got the opportunity to share a scripture with her and talk a little bit about it. I think later that day we went to another place with this guy from the D.R. WOW!!!! Dominican Republic spanish is so hard to understand. I can't even really pick up anything they are saying, and somehow Elder Yates picks up almost all of it. I guess it will just come with time. Later that night we went to some other members to teach and I had a dilemma because they gave me Pepsi to drink and I was kinda lost. I drank a little of it and then when we got outside gave the rest to Elder Yates.

We went and knocked some doors and when it was my time to knock, nobody answered. We went to another house and rang the bell, but the lady said she had her own religion or something and just started shutting the door while Elder Yates was trying to ask her about the people who lived upstairs. We went and met a guy named Jonathon who I think has interest in the church. We haven't taught him yet, but I'll let you know what happens there. Later on Friday night we went and taught Moises (member) in English about "The Family: A Proclamation to the world" and it was a really great lesson.

Saturday and Sunday we had to be in our apartments by around 6, or the time it was getting dark because Halloween in NJ isn't really safe and the night before Halloween is mischief night. Lot's of our appointments were falling through on these days so they weren't our most successful days but we'll do better this week.

On Saturday a man named Dave came. Dave really likes the missionaries and likes to buy them food. So we went to BJ's (It's kinda like Costco) and he bought us a whole bunch of food which was way cool of him. After that we went to his house and helped him make some chili for the ward party. We went to some other houses but things weren't working the way they're supposed to and those appointments just fell through.

On Saturday someone asked if me and Elder Yates were twins, but not because we were dressed the same and both missionaries. We don't look alike at all but I guess we just look odd cause it's two big white people standing at about 6'4", so we might look weird to a lot of people. One lady that we met (Who thought we were trick or treaters) while walking (but is English so we don't teach her) actually seems to have interest in the Church and hopefully she decides to come unto Christ and have a better life.

Yesterday we went to church and that was a different experience. It was kinda hard to understand the talks, but I guess that will just change over time, and through diligence. We went to Hermana Arrandas again and talked with her and then we called it a night cause it was Halloween.

But, Yeah, Jersey City is a good area. It's a new experience for sure.

Just a thought, last night Elder Yates asked me about why people are sent to Antarctica where they can't proselyte unless asked to teach by members. I wasn't really sure, and Elder Yates gave me the scripture in Matthew 10:39. This is one of the reasons why we're here. We are called to invite others to come unto Christ and help them receive the restored gospel. But in this scripture I can learn that on my mission and can find my life. Just as has been said about how much I will learn, I am truly learning things here that will make me the person I'm supposed to one day become. As in the scripture, he that loses his life for (the Lords or the Gospels) shall find it. I thought it was an interesting way to look at that scripture for sure.

The Gospel is true! The Lord will direct the work in the way he wants it to go!
I know that the gospel can bring us so much happiness and hope is this life.
I love you all, and thanks for your support.

Love Elder Hicks!

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