Sunday, October 31, 2010

We made it!

I made it here safely to New Jersey. The flight wasn't too bad. It was pretty cool to see the Empire State building and other famous sights as we were landing. They don't mess around here.

Right after we got picked up at the airport we had to do what was called the "FEAR BUSTER". They took us to the center of Newark which was definitely a lot different than Provo and did contacting. It was a little scary at first, but I enjoyed hearing other peoples thoughts, and seeing what kind of testimonies these people have. You also just want to help them be happier and have better lives. I'm happy to be here.

President and Sister Bahr are nice people, and the other missionaries here are nice too. I still don't know quite what to expect, but I'm sure I'll get more and more used to it day by day.

Thanks for everything and all you've done to prepare me to be here. This is going to be a life changing experience for sure, not only for myself, but hopefully for the other people I get the opportunity to teach.

Love to all.
Elder Hicks

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