Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Mother's Day and Beyond!

(May 9, 2011)

Happy Mothers day again to all of you, as I didn't clearly say it on the phone last night. It was so great to hear from you all, and hear your voices again. That's like the last time for 7 months, but that's ok, because it will help me to stay more focused on the work. It was definitely great to hear from you all, but it felt good when the call was finally over and I could just get going again on "La Obra Misional". I must say, it was pretty tear jerking to hear Jake say my name. It was really great to hear him talk as well.

We had a Mother's Day party in the ward this week as well which was pretty great. There was a band and everything, but you can't really dance as a missionary, so it wasn't quite the experience, but Hispanics sure do know how to throw a fiesta!

Well, let's see, I've updated you on the big things of the week. I guess of course the biggest news was that Hector got baptized, which was pretty great.

He seriously looked so happy and joyful as he was stepping out of the font with a joyous look on his face, and the word "Increible" or Incredible in English. That was just one of those things that reminds me why I am here as a missionary. Earlier in the week we were at his house and watched the Joseph Smith movie (The one they play at temple square) with him, his mom and his Grandma. They all really liked it, and we tried talking to Hectors mom a little bit about him being baptized, and she was talking about how she wanted him to really know what he was doing, and so as we left, I told Hector to bear his testimony to his mom sometime later. I don't know how that exactly turned out, but hopefully him being baptized will set a good example for the others in his family

This week we found another pretty cool investigator named Ana. She's really smart with the Bible, and she was asking us these pretty tough questions. It would definitely be nice to know the Bible a little better than I do, but I guess I just have to keep studying.

I had the opportunity to go on a exchange with Elder Davies this week back in my old area, sleeping in my old apartment. It was pretty good. We had interviews with President Bahr as well, and made a scrapbook page for the mission scrapbook.

We went back and visited Ramon, the Seventh Day Adventist. He is a tough cookie for sure. We will give him some time to study the Book of Mormon before we go back again, because he was shattering the fact that the Book of Mormon was inspired. We got dropped this week by Irene and Cheryl which is never fun. It was probably more so opposition from her spouse, so maybe she'll be more interested sometime in the future.

We got to teach Christian and Trixi again, and they agreed to live the Word of Wisdom. I guess the only main thing we have to teach them, is the Law of Chastity, so that will be an interesting one for sure.

Which brings us back to yesterday with the baptism and everything. We were also able to get a Less Active, or I guess Inactive named Abel to come to church. He hadn't been for like a year, but he came to the party on Friday and even came to church. Hopefully we can continue working with him and try to get him active again in the church.

The Gospel is True!

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