Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The world keeps turning and I'm . . .

Staying!!!!!! Yep, I'm staying in Union City for a 4th Transfer, can you believe it? I used to get transferred every transfer and now I'm finally sticking around for awhile. Elder High is staying as well, so we'll at least be together for one more. First time I haven't had to adjust to a new companion as well.

But yeah, I don't know if it was the same in the west, but supposedly last Saturday at 6 was supposed to be the end of the world. I guess some guy did some researching and predicting, and it was supposed to all be over, but alas... That didn't happen. I've had a few people ask me about the world ending and what I thought about it, but thanks to the knowledge of the Gospel, we don't have to worry so much about that kinda stuff.

This week turned out to be a really good week though. On Tuesday we had district meeting, and were so much obliged as to have a Hot Seat for Elder Davies, Elder LeBaron, and Elder Seymour, who have completed their 2 years as missionaries and will be headed home on Wednesday.

That was pretty great to hear their stories, and their funny moments, and even get advice. I really liked what Elder LeBaron said, about just forgetting yourself. That the times he was depressed on his mission is when he was thinking to much about himself. I guess the same would apply in the outside world, that as we become depressed, it may mean we are focusing to much on ourselves, and should be out trying to help and serve people.

Later that night we were in charge of YM/YW, but unfortunately I didn't get to teach really anything because I had to leave. But the good news with that is that I left to Confirm Fiorella and Samantha!! Finally! After like 6 weeks from their baptism, they were confirmed.

We also found a guy named Jesus that day, who accepted a baptismal commitment and has a date for the 19th (Although I'm not sure how solid that is) but we thought that it would be appropriate for him to be baptized by the recent convert Juan Bautista (John Baptist). So I guess we will see how that turns out.

Wednesday was a pretty miraculous day. The departing missionaries headed to their last temple trip, and Elder Hunt (From UC 30-49) came down to work with us, as well as someone we weren't expecting, Elder Pascual. So that day we had 4 missionaries working in our area, meaning we were able to do splits. The Lord really has plans for all this. So we decided to do splits and Elder Hunt and I headed to Hectors house for an appointment. At the same time, Elder High and Elder Pascual headed to a different appointment, that ended up falling through. We got into our appointment, and set another baptismal date with Hector's Mom which was pretty awesome. Elder High had a thought to go and check on a bomb referral we had received for this girl named Mariuxi from Ecuador. We had been trying to contact her all transfer, but the most we had ever gotten was her picking up, and saying she would need to call us back. We went by a few days earlier and talked to her husband who said that she was home on Sundays. Well, Mariuxi just happened to be home on that Wednesday, and had before been praying that the missionaries would come. Well that's just what happened. Elder High and Elder Pascual taught her a first, and she is a super prepared lady. She will be baptized, but the only problem will be getting her husbands consent because he is super Catholic. But we'll keep working with her for sure. We taught Noemi again, and are still trying to get her set with a date, although there is still some iceburg that is keeping her from committing.

On Thursday we went on exchanges, and I had the opportunity to work with Elder Seymour in our area. We taught the word of Wisdom to the English class, and had the opportunity to teach Christian and Trixi, which was good because Elder Seymour is the one that found them and referred them to us. We got them pretty excited to come to church, but they still haven't been able to come, mostly because of the pregnancy and work and everything.

On Friday we went to lunch at El Unico with our Ward Mission Leader, and then had a lesson with some members. We did a role-play with them to try and teach them how to invite their friends to learn about the gospel.

On Saturday we visited Ana again, and the first hour was spent discussing why we baptize the way we do, and why we confer the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. She's gonna be a tough one for sure. We also had the opportunity to go help this guy named John Janelli with some stuff he needed. He's a taxodermist, and has lots of animal skins, and other things that you see at the Bean Museum. He's a pretty nice guy, but he's super Catholic, speaks english, and doesn't really have interest in the message. Good guy though. We also helped him cut off part of a table, and as they finish cutting it with a Sawzall or whatever it's called (It's like a power tool saw) he wanted me to finsih it off. I was pretty scared to do it cause I didn't really know what I was doing. I pulled the trigger, and it was kinda like a little earthquake in my hand, but I guess you learn new things every day right?

On Sunday we had Stake conference (for like a bunch of stakes here in NJ) being broadcast from SLC, but unfortunately something was wrong with the transmission, so we watched part of it in English, with somebody translating, and then we lost all audio. So we didn't really get to enjoy it that much.

Then we come back to today. This will be a big transfer as we lose 14 Spanish missionaries, and gain 4, 2 of which are sisters. One area in the district had both Elders double out (Elder Davies is going home) and Elder Strong is going to another area. So it should be interesting to see who they put in, and how I can help them take control of that area. One of our zone leaders is leaving (Elder Lebaron), and another Missionary in the district is leaving (Elder Seymour). So the District will be different for sure with only 3 of the original 6 staying. Also, we might have a change in the housing situation because word on the street is that the Jersey City and Hoboken apartments are both being lost, and that puts a lot of missionaries out, so I'm pretty sure we'll be having some Elders moving in this transfer.

So that's about my week in a nutshell.

The Gospel is True!
Love you all so much!!!

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