Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some people call it dirty, but I call it home!

Letter dated May 16, 2011

New Jersey is indeed a rainy place. I don't have a ton of time to write. We did end up having our service activity this morning, but it got cancelled soon after because of the rain, so basically we all just went to the Caldwell church, played some basketball and ate food. It was pretty fun, but definitely took a big chunk out of P-day.

This is the last week of the transfer, and I'll know whether I'm getting transferred or not next Sunday. What it is looking like, is that I'm not going to be transferred, but who knows, weird things have happened to me before when it comes down to transfers.

Otherwise, this week has been pretty good. We saw some good things happen I would say, although it wasn't our most successful week. I had the opportunity to go on exchange with Elder Strong this week back in my birth area (at least for part of the time) which was pretty great. He's such a great missionary, and I think we really saw a lot of amazing stuff that day. I took a picture with his basketball jersey that I though was pretty cool.

On Wednesday, we went to see a potential that we had written down, but couldn't really find exactly the apartment we had listed, so we knocked some doors, and as we got to the last top door, this cool dominican guy named Saury answered. He let us in, and seemed to be interested in the message. We taught in English. He just had a baby and just moved in, which are both two really good things for one to have done before receiving the Gospel. We had an appointment with him yesterday, but he couldn't meet with us at that time sadly. Hopefully we will get to see him sometime this week.

I also had the great opportunity to go to leadership training this week which was pretty amazing as well. I was a greenie the last time I went, so I probably wasn't getting as much out of it, but this time is was pretty good, and the role-plays we did were really great practice. Hopefully I can take the things that we learned, and really apply them so that I can be a better missionary. Leadership training was pretty great in the fact that a lot of our MTC zone was there. 2 zone leaders, 1 trainer, 5 district leaders. We are just missing a few people. But we thought it would be good to take a picture. (Including Elder Stuki, Elder Munk, Elder Harrington, Elder Erikson, Elder Bues, Sister Word, Elder Maughan)

We got really close to setting our investigator Noemi with a baptismal date. After the first day of training, we had the opportunity to have Elder Ruano work with us (from Guatamala) and he did a really great job helping us teach Noemi. We just need to give her a little push.

Hector was confirmed yesterday, which was amazing as well. I had the privilege of doing it, and I am really grateful for that opportunity. You could definitely feel the spirit. Also we heard that Hectors Grandma Yolanda started crying when she found out Hector was baptized, because she wasn't there when he got baptized, but she was there for the confirmation, and after he was confirmed, they gave each other a big hug, and looked so happy.

On Saturday I got to do some baptismal interviews for the zone leaders, for 2 people named Nina and Miranda. They are super awesome, and they both got baptized yesterday. The interviews were mostly in English (a little bit of Spanish with Nina) but it was a great opportunity.

Sorry my letter is probably a little boring, I'm just trying to hurry, cause we got to get back to work in like 20 minutes. Thanks again for everything you do, and all your support. The mission is great! I love it out here, although it is pretty rainy haha!

The Gospel is True!
Love you all so much!

Love, Elder Hicks

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