Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting down to the wire!

Well things aren't so much for me, but for President Bahr and a bunch of other missionaries, the Journey is almost done. We just finished week 3 of the transfer, and really we have 3 more, but confusingly, President Bahr and the other missionaries leave the mission in 2 weeks, so I'm not sure exactly whats going to happen. A lot of changes are about to hit the Morristown mission with a few more Spanish missionaries heading out, and a brand new mission president coming in. So I can't tell you exactly when I'll be transferred or when transfer conference is to come, but I'm pretty sure this is my last one here in Union City, and Elder Zierenberg (Zone Leader) made it sound the same way.

I sadly didn't get to go to the temple because Elder High has to go to the Dentist today, meaning we have to take our P-day today. I'm not sure exactly when we are going to go, but I sure hope that we get to. We only get to go to the temple 2 times a year.

We are moving out of the house next week. Probably because the house is just way to expensive for 2 missionaries. We went and saw our apartment not to far from where we live, and it's pretty cool. It's on the first floor, kinda like a basement. And the land lords we live with are Cuban, and they are going to take good care of us is what we hear, like cook for us and stuff. So that should be pretty cool.

This week was a pretty good week here in Union City. We met some pretty great people that I think have some really good potential.

On Tuesday I had the opportunity to go on an exchange with one of the zone leaders named Elder Zierenberg. He's a pretty awesome missionary. He told me that he used to work at Provo Canyon Boy's School as a transporter, so I asked if he knew Rachel, but he said that he didn't. It was still cool to have that connection though. Elder Zierenberg and I went and taught this potential named Maria, who we actually just set with a baptismal date on Friday. She is a pretty cool lady, although she didn't come to church yesterday. We went and taught Noemi again, and sadly she just doesn't really want to make an effort to know if the church is true, or even come to church, which makes things harder for her recent convert sons I'm sure. I don't know if you remember them, but little Christian and Francisco are her sons that were baptized in March, and she has another son named Daniel who was baptized farther back. Christian and Francisco haven't been to church a whole lot since their baptism, but hopefully their older brother can keep being a good example for them.

On Wednesday Hector came out on a team up with us which was pretty awesome. We went and saw Christian and Trixi again. They are so awesome, and really need to be baptized, but their are still 3 big problems in the way.
1: They have never come to church, and Christian is basically always working on Sunday
2: Trixi must get a divorce with her ex and
3: Christian and Trixi must get married!
So as you can see, I don't think they are too close to getting baptized, but they have basically been taught everything, and as far as I can tell, they are willing to live all the commandments.
Hector did awesome helping us teach them about prayer. Christian was talking about how they don't really pray as a family, and Hector cut in, and started talking to him about how important it is, and used it from his own experience. Hector is going to be an awesome missionary one day.

On Thursday we got to go and teach this less active who found us, but originally found the church through Marie Osmond. Small world huh? He lived in Utah for awhile and has been through the temple, but he has sorta fallen away. We taught him a few things, and made him a little goal sheet of things he can do to replace drinking alcohol, and commited him to not drink alcohol that night. I'm pretty sure he didn't! Which is awesome, or I guess I should say So Awess (Inside joke with Caleb and Becca). He came to church this week, and coincidentally the priesthood lesson was on the Word of Wisdom. Which by the way, one of the teachers here in Union City is probably one of the best teachers I've had in church. He explains things so clearly and keeps the lessons interesting Hno Quizada. We were able to go and teach our Investigator Sunilda again, who was the one who origianally opened the door with the chain still attatched, but later opened all the way. She seems willing to read and to pray, and Elder High likes to joke with her that she is going to get baptized as much as she has told us that she isn't.

Friday was a super filling day. We went and taught Ruth again, who is just falling farther and farther away. We figured we would just read the Book of Mormon with her to try and help her develop a habit of reading, and feel the spirit. We read in 3 Ne 11 about Christ coming, but she found a way to deny it by saying it wasn't Jesus Christ and saying the Book of Mormon wasn't inspired. I really don't know what is happening with her. It's pretty sad to see her losing her testimony, although she did tell us that she doesn't really think the 7th Adventist church is right either. She made it kinda sound like there isn't really a true church, it's just a matter of what we do in our own lives. We will keep working with her though and trying to help her out.

Later that day we went to a Papuseria (El Salvador) and later went to the bishop and ate Baliadas (Honduras) which were both really good.

We got to see Fiorella again, and she is going to try and be a good example to her non-member kids. We saw Ana again, who surprisingly wasn't as argumentive as usual. She is an awesome lady, but really just needs to pray about the Book of Mormon.

On Saturday we were walking around, and after passing this guy for the second time, I had a feeling that I needed to talk to this guy named Felix, and Elder High happened to feel the same way. We talked to him for a little bit, and went and taught him last night. He has a ton of questions, and is a pretty cool guy. He told us that we better come prepared tonight, because he is going to be asking us a lot, so tonight should be a pretty fun night. He thought it was pretty crazy/bold that we claimed to be the only true church with the authority, so we'll have to explain the restoration to him tonight pretty clearly, but he's a really cool guy, and we started teaching his friend too.

We went and had a lesson with Sandra and Washington again, (the people that gave us cow stomach), and Washington seemed a little more dedicated to wanting to find out if the Book of Mormon is true. He asked us where he needed to read, and they seem like they are getting close to being more prepared.

That's crazy how much the family is growing, and especially how much it is going to grow within the next 8 week. Thanks so much for all your letters and support!

I Love you all so much!!!

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