Wednesday, June 1, 2011

April and May Showers bring June Humidity!

Hello Family!!!

Let me just tell you flat out, humidity + heat is definitely something I am not used to. This past week, I just sweat for a lot of the day, it's pretty intense, but I guess whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?

Anyway... So this past week has been pretty great.

So their have actually been some pretty big changes here. Zone 2 (the zone we were in) has disolved into zones 1 and 4, and now we are actually a part of zone 3. Makes sense right? Haha yeah I was pretty confused as well. But Elder Brickey, the other zone leader got dropped, and we became part of the Newark Zone. Now there are only 8 zones in the mission instead of 9. That is because a ton of missionary went home this last transfer. The district changed as well. I'm still the District Leader, but now Jersey City has 2 sisters (Sister White, and SIster Callister) and guess what???? Elder Yates is in my district now! Yeah it's kinda weird being the District Leader for your trainer, but at the same time not that weird. It's cool serving around him again, especially since this is his last transfer. Nobody ended up moving into the house with us, so things are basically the same there.

On Tuesday Elder Hunt came to our area because his companion was leaving. We worked that day, and were actually able to find a new investigator named Leydis. She is from the Dominican Republic, and she's really nice. She has family members that are members of the church, and I guess a nephew or something that is going to go on a mission. So I think she has some really good potential.

On Wednesday we got to have district meeting about accountability, and eat a little birthday cake afterward for Sister Whites birthday. We got to teach Rafael again from Argentina. Elder Sopena and I taught him a few months ago, but never really followed up to much after that. I've wanted to go see him, and we have had some appoinments, but things always turned out that we weren't able to teach him. He is such a nice guy, really humble, and I think has a good interest in the message. He has a really hurt knee, so we gave him a blessing before we left, and we get to go see him again tomorrow.

On Thursday we did our normal weekly planning, and got to go teach English class. Their are some guys that have been coming to English class that have some really great potential. A new one named Paul from Ecuador has been coming, and hopefully we will be able to teach him this week. It's really great being a missionary when you receive that pure love of christ, and really love the people you are serving. It's such a great feeling.

Friday, we went and saw Ruth, and sadly she is still having a hard time accepting parts of the plan of salvation. She still believes in the adventist church, and it's hard to see her not being able to get it, especially since she has been baptized. Any Ideas on how to help her become truly converted? I was thinking we just need to start reading the Book of Mormon with her during our visits, because maybe she hasn't really been doing that, and that's why she's not truly converted.

Saturday, we had District Leader council with the zone leaders, and talked about zone goals, and the new monthly focus. This month we are supposed to focus on Preach My Gospel, and I think it will be really good for me, because I definitely think I under-utilize the very tool we are supposed to us for missionary work.

Sunday, the missionaries got to speak in Sacrament meeting. Suprisingly it's only like the 3rd talk I've given on my mission. I talked about D+C 4 about missionary work, which went pretty well. It's nice being able to speak Spanish well enough to get out what you're trying to say, but nonetheless, there is still a ton that I have to learn.

Yesterday, we played some good basketball, and found this cool lady while knocking named Sunilda. At first I didn't think she was going to listen, because she answered the door with the little chain still locked, but after talking to her a little more she opened the door all the way. She told us that she had talked to missionaries before and that they were just pushing her to be baptized, and I guess she wasn't a big fan of that, but we ended up talking more, and told her that she could know for herself. That made her a little more curious, and we ended up teaching her about the Book of Mormon right there. I think she has a good desire to learn more, so we'll see what happens there. We also got to go to a members house and eat yesterday. We ate some barbecue chicken and steak which was super good. It was a pretty good Memorial day for sure.

Elder High and I have a goal to get 3 baptisms in the month of June, so we'll have to work super hard, but that would be amazing.

Other than that, things are going pretty good. The month of June will bring a lot of changes with my pops going home (Elder Yates), New Mission President, and I'm sure I'll be transferred from Union City after this transfer, but this summer should go by quick, although it's going to be super super hot. I'm grateful to be a missionary though! Thanks for all your support.

Love you all so much!!!

Elder Hicks

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