Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Belated Father's Day

So... Happy Father's day Dad!

So I guess just an interesting situation/story that may require you to send me some information about the amount of money in my account. Last Monday we were driving doing errands, and I was sitting shot-gun. On our way back, the driver of our car ran a red light, and a cop just happened to be at the intersection. We got a ticket for 80 bucks, but what's worse, is you know how I've never really been good at looking for stuff. Well I was trying to find the insurance card, and I just couldn't seem to find it. The driver looked through the things a little bit, and we could only find an expired card. So... we got another ticket for failure to show proper insurance for another 180 dollars. Pretty crazy right? I felt so bad inside, but when Elder Woodburry got back into the shot-gun seat, he was able to find the proper insurance card. And so I'm really hoping that when we go to court next week, that the judge will drop the charges of the insurance ticket because we had the insurance the whole time. At first I was going to have to pay half of the 80 dollar ticket because I was the co-driver, but I talked to President Bahr, and he said the driver has to pay half, and the rest of the people that were in the car have to pay the other half. So for that I just have to pay 10 dollars. But, with the other ticket I don't know. I will probably have to pay half if the judge doesn't let it go. So yeah, I was really not happy on Monday, but hopefully things will be alright. We will go and fight it in court, and maybe the Judge will have some mercy. So hopefully I have enough on my card to potentially pay $100.

So this might be the last time I write you until next Wednesday because hopefully we will be able to make our temple trip. I don't like that we have waited till the end of the month, cause what if something comes up? So Wednesday is the plan, it should be pretty great though. We are going with a member who comes out with us a lot, and hopefully Hector will be able to come too, and do baptisms with Norbert while we do a session. And yes, we are actually moving out tomorrow, so tomorrow should be a pretty good moving day.

Anyway, none of that stuff is very fun to hear about right? So let me just give you an update of the weekly doings.

We have been able to teach Felix more, and he's a really awesome guy. He seems interested in learning and has some pretty interesting comments. He was talking about how the devil has a bible, and expressing how big the bible is by out stretching his arms. Last week he was like ... "I just have a problem.... No I don't have a problem.... I'm confused.... No I'm not confused...." and than he talked about how the restoration made sense and that it was a good story. He has read a little bit from the Book of Mormon, but hasn't prayed about it yet. He's a really cool guy though, and hopefully we can set him with a date real soon.

We have started teaching this 8 year old kid named Jonathan, who is the brother of a less-active girl. He's a really cool little kid, but I'll be honest, teaching the young ones is not an easy thing to do. It was pretty tough simplifying it to a point where it would make sense. But I guess it's good practice for all other future investigators.

On Wednesday we had our all mission conference, our last one with President Bahr. It was great to be able to go feel the Spirit there, and receive instruction from President and Sister Bahr, as well as the assistants. I'm going to miss President and Sister Bahr , but hopefully I'll be able to have a good relationship with President and Sister Jepsen as well. Elder Yates gave his final testimony for the mission, and he leaves in a week from tomorrow.

This week we tried to check on our Investigator Paul from Ecuador. We hadn't been able to meet with him for a few days because he was sick, but we went by again to teach him, and got some bad news. We asked his aunt if he was home, and she said he was in Chicago, we asked when he would be back and she said in 2 months. I wasn't expecting that at all, especially since he had a baptismal date for July 10th, but I guess whoever is in this area in two months can pick him back up.

Friday, was the day of the Summer Scrub, meaning that all the missionaries were supposed to clean their apartments, like super clean. There was a list of all the things we were supposed to do so that our apartments would be spotless. Well it was a little tough even getting close to finished because we are only two people and we live in a huge house, but hopefully it's not as big of a deal because we are moving to another apartment which appears to be pretty new. It will probably be a little easier to clean once all of our stuff is moved out. After cleaning, Elder High and I had something pretty cool happen. So we had this potential named Gabriella who we have passed a number of times on the street because she is a vender of corn, and mangos and stuff. She said that the best time for us to teach her would be on a rainy day when she can't work. We passed her again on Thursday, and Elder High told her that it was going to rain tomorrow, and so we set up an appointment to come by the next day. Well the next day came and it actually turned out to be really rainy, even to a point where one of our window seals flooded, seeped through the wall, down through the ceiling to the downstairs and was leaking into the kitchen. Even to a point where water was seeping out of the air conditioning unit. (It's time to move right?). So we went and we got to teach her, which was pretty great. She's a really nice humble lady from Mexico, and she accepted a soft baptismal commitment. When the appointment was over, we came outside to find that the rain had stopped.

That evening I started my exchange with Elder Yates. It was pretty great being back with him for one more day, just like the olden days. We went to a little bit of the Father's Day party that the ward was having and headed back for the night.

Saturday turned out to be a pretty good day as well. We got to teach Mariuxi again, and sadly she hadn't been reading the Book of Mormon for basically all of last week, but she said she would read every day this week, and she accepted to live the word of wisdom.

Yesterday was a good day of church, and we got to go teach our Investigators Maria, Esperanza, and Efrain. I think Maria is the one really prepared right now, so we will probably start focusing more on her, but the lesson was pretty good, and Maria seemed really interested to read from the Book of Mormon. Esperanza and Maria are both Peruvian, and their Brother Angel, is a member of the church. He was there for part of the lesson yesterday which was good.

Basically that's my week. It went by pretty quick, and this week will probably be filled with awesome things as well. Thanks again for all your support. This transfer might be a little longer than 6 weeks, like maybe even 7 weeks with the new president change and everything, although I'm not 100 percent sure. I guess you just gotta go with the flow sometimes right? Well, I'm not sure when I'll get to write again, but sometime next week I'm sure.

Hope all is going well, and that you all have a good week. Love you all so much!!

Elder Hicks

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