Monday, July 11, 2011

Almost 6 months... 100 days... y Ya Me Voy de Union City

Well, it's finally time for Elder Hicks to leave Union City.

After being here for almost 6 months, that time has come for me to pack my bags and head out to a new part of New Jersey. Today Elder High and I have been together for 100 days which is pretty cool.

Where am I going? Who knows? But I did get a call from the assistants last night, and I have been called to be a Zone Leader! I'm so grateful for the opportunity I'm going to have to be a zone leader, and learn how to better serve others and be an example. So my possible future areas are pretty limited. I will be going to either West New York, Passaic, Newark, Elizabeth, or back to Dover. Most likely Passaic, Dover, or West New York, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I've already packed a bunch of stuff, and will probably finish packing tomorrow, but I'm excited to move onto a new Area and try to take all the things I've learned here into a different place.

Hector was pretty sad to hear that I might be going, and now that I am, he says things like "No Te Vayas!" Meaning "Don't Go!". It will be sad to leave Hector. He really is a stud and is going to do great things in the church, but I guess it had to happen sometime. That is why it is so important to have friends in the church, because the missionaries will always be leaving. Luckily Hector has been making good friends with people, and so I know he'll be ok.

Oh yeah, by the way, President and Sister Jeppson are super awesome. President started the zone conference out by pulling out his guitar and singing a missionary song to the tune of a Johnny Cash song. He is really an amazing man, and has been through so much in his life, including the death of a brother, his dad, his son, and the loss of one of his legs. He's from Utah, and graduated from U of U, and got his doctorate at BYU. He was a Lawyer, and some callings he's had in the church include Bishop, Stake President, and Patriarch. President Jeppson's theme I guess you could say, or at least for that conference was "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart." I'm really excited to get to work with President Jeppson more and to get to know him a little better. His wife is equally amazing. She is super nice, and super loving. Truly a mom away from home. Sister Jeppson said EFY music would be ok, but all my EFY music is on the Ipod, and Ipods haven't been cleared yet, and I don't know if they will be. So that might be coming home in the mail. We shall see.

This week has been a pretty good week nonetheless. Things didn't turn out quite as we expected. We got juked by a lot of people. We had some really set appointments, and some still ended in no shows. I called one of our investigators Elias 15 minutes before, and he said that we could come in like 30 35 minutes, and he didn't even show up. So obviously that has been a little frustrating this week.

But the Exchange with Elder Christopher was really good. He doesn't mess around at all. He is a contacting machine, and he really does ask everyone for referrals. We were able to teach Yolanda this week, with her husband there. He said that she can make her own decisions and could be baptized if she wanted, but we aren't sure how true that statement really is, because we tried setting a date with Yolanda, and she was able to accept it at that time. She probably wants more support from her family. But Elder High and his companion will probably keep working with them.

Felix is doing ok, we haven't been visiting with his as much. He kept rescheduling appointments, and then there came a time when he didn't answer his phone, so we haven't really been in much contact with him, but he called yesterday saying that he's been busy and he would call us when he got out of church. That didn't happen, but I think there is still some interest. We were able to see Christian and Trixi again yesterday and they are still willing to be baptized, they are just not really close to getting to that point with the divorce and everything. Elder High and his new companion should see a lot of success in this area. I sure hope so anyway. Hopefully they can do work with the recent converts to get them active. In all honestly Hector has really been the only active recent convert lately. But I guess that's where the ward needs to step in, the missionaries can only do so much.

That's about all the updates I have for the week. Yeah I am coming up close to a year, and it's kinda crazy. I'm sure when that day hits, time is just going to start flying even more so. There is still a lot of growing and learning I need to do as a missionary, and hopefully I can continue becoming better each day. Thanks for all of your support and love!

The Gospel is True!!

Love you all.

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