Saturday, July 2, 2011

Back to the Temple a Year Later

Hello hello Family,

I don't know how long this letter is going to be cause I don't have much time. We go to court in about a half an hour about the ticket, so I'll just keep it short and sweet.

Anyway... The temple was pretty amazing. Can you believe it's been a year already since I went through the temple for the first time. How time flies.

And it was awesome being in New York. It is really such a cool city.

I saw a few missionaries from the New York New York mission, and some of them knew Elder Abraham Boekweg, so I decided to write him a little note again, and have the Elder's take it to him.

It was really nice this time not having to worry about buses and subways. We rode with some other missionaries, with a Senior Couple in their car.

It was fun driving around, and the Church has actually done some good work advertising in New York. We saw a Taxi with a sign above it. Another screen billboard that was showing a little part of a video from, and I've included a picture of a huge advertising sign put up in times square. It's pretty awesome.

This week has been a pretty good week. We finally moved out of the house, and are now in our new apartment which is pretty nice. It's nice having air-conditioning again, and since we live in the basement basically, it doesn't get to hot, although a little more depressing because of the darkness.

Our investigators are doing pretty well. We may be pretty close to dropping Felix though, because he's not really committing much, and some of the things he says just kinda let us know that he isn't ready right now. We'll go see him once more and see how things go. We found out that our other investigator with a baptismal date, Maria, is moving to south Jersey, so we had to drop her as well. I'm not really sure what's going on with people moving, but I guess the Lord has more prepared people for us.

Sadly Elder Yates went home yesterday, but it was good to work around him for one last transfer. I had the opportunity to go on an exchange with Elder Hunt again which was pretty good. We were able to find this pretty great guy for the English Elders. We were able to set a baptismal date with him on the first lesson, but sadly I don't think the Elder's have been able to get a hold of him again.

We were able to teach Hector about the temple this week, but sadly he wasn't able to go with us. He is going to go tomorrow for part of Institute though which should be pretty good.

The new Mission President gets here tomorrow. We will get to meet him next Wednesday, and this Transfer will end on June 11th. Staying or Going, I'm not sure, but I did forget to say that Elder Yates was replaced by Elder Christopher, who just got dropped as Assistant for his last transfer, so now I have the pressure of having a former Assistant in my District, but it will be alright, hopefully he'll be able to teach me new things.

I sure love all of you!!

Elder Hicks

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