Friday, October 22, 2010

Only a few more days-- Armies of Helaman

Hola Familia! Como Estan?

Everything is going pretty great here at the MTC, only about 3 more days left which is pretty crazy, but I'm excited to head to New Jersey. Thanks again for the packages and letters you all have sent, it's been fun receiving them, and now that I'm gonna be way far away I'm sure I won't see quite as many, but letters are always good too.

Friday: We received our Travel Itineraries which was pretty exciting. We are actually going to be leaving on Monday. We also got to teach our progressing investigator Gabriel as well, and me and Elder Clark taught the Law of Chastity in spanish for our first time (It was actually my first time in spanish or english). We also had a TRC that night with a guy named Juan (Not really I don't think). We taught him the plan of salvation and the word of wisdom in spanish. I notice on the Days when I do HSI, my spanish does really well and continues to improve, but when I don't try so hard, it's not very good. So maybe I should just stop speaking English? I don't know but I'm gonna try and speak spanish more and more, and now that I'm going to the field, I'll have the opportunity to hear more natives speak.

Saturday: On saturday we taught the Law of Chastity again in the TE for more practice which went pretty well. Then our district practiced a little bit for our song we are singing this Sunday. The leaving districts sing the sunday before they leave, and so we are going to sing the "As Sister in Zion/ Army of Helamen EFY Melody" which will be pretty great. We had another lesson with Gabriel and he commited to be baptized and we set a date for him too. On this day I noticed that a lot of the up's and down's of the day are really based on your attitude. I think I've learned a good amount of having a good attitude since I've been here. I notice on the days when I try to have a postive attitute about everything, the days just goes better.

Sunday: I got to play one of the songs in priesthood, gotta love good old "Sweet Hour of Prayer". I am actually regretting now not sticking with Piano, and I know this happens to everyone when they get older, maybe I should of just listened. But maybe I'll try and pick it up again when I get home from my mission, or maybe I'll pick it up if I'm called to be the Ward Organist or somthing crazy in New Jersey haha.

We had choir practice which was awesome and then had a really good devotional w/ the Beesons. Sister Beeson gave a talk about the day in the life of a missionary at the MTC, but she did it all in song by using different portions of different hymns. It was actually really well done. After the fireside we watched the Testaments again. We set a lot of big goals for the week ahead which I thought weren't going to be attainable but they are looking pretty good. We had a goal to teach 15 lessons this week and 15 other contacts. I know that's not very much for the average missionary, but It seems like a lot when on the MTC schedule.

Monday: We had a really good large group meeting about finding those that will receive us. We also had a health and safety meeting and the guy who was teaching us was really hilarious. It was the most laughing I've done in awhile.

Tuesday: We taught a good amount of lessons and it made our goal for the week seem plausible. I got to sing in the Choir for devotional and the devotional was fantastic.

Russel M. Nelson came and gave us a bunch of good information about:
Being Alert,
Staying in contact w/ our investigators,
Greeting people with a smile,
Keeping our spiritual batteries charged,
and that we are
Teaching people not lessons.

Wednesday: Today we had some good class time and got to teach the class lessons about the spirit. Mine and Elder Clarks was about the Light of Christ & The Holy Ghost. We also taught a lesson in spanish about Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. At the end of the day we taught a lesson to Gabriel about the end of the plan of salvation and enduring to the end.

Thursday: Ok so we had a lesson in the TE and it wasn't my best day. We all have humbling experiences and I think this was one of them. My spanish just wasn't rolling as well off the Tongue, and there is still so much spanish I need to learn, and grammer principles that I need to review and perfect (ok maybe not perfect, but get close to it.) We had a great large group meeting about Studying our Language in the Field.

Later, while doing some contacting we talked to some guys who had been out in the field for 2 months and had come back to sign their visas so that they could go to Mexico. They gave us some good advice, and their spanish was way good. I'm excited for when I get to the point where I can speak spanish well.

Ok so everything is pretty great here. It's almost been 9 weeks, almost 2 months even. In some ways it has gone by fast, and in other ways it has gone by slow. It's gonna be pretty weird to leave my home state for 2 years, but I'm excited to preach the gospel and invite others to come unto Christ and maybe learn a little more about myself.

I know that without the Lord and the Spirit, this work would be impossible. The Spirit is essential in giving others the desire to change for the better. I think it would be hard to tell people to quit doing something they love, but if they have a testimony and have a desire to follow Christ, then they are willing to do it. But they can't get this testimony without the Spirit bearing witness of the truth. Elder Nelson also told us that when we don't know what to say it only takes 4 words in english... "We Follow Jesus Christ".

The gospel is true.
Thanks for all the examples you have been for me and helping get me to this point.
Love You!!!
Elder Hicks

1 comment:

  1. Se que algun dia podras leer y entender este comentario y no dudo que ya lo puedas hacer. Es interesante poder aprender otros idiomas, especialemente cuando tienes la oportunidad de ayudar a otras personas. Me da mucho gusto por ti y no t epreocupes, ya veras que poco a poco y sin que te des cuenta aprenderas a hablar y entender todo el idioma en espaƱol. Cuidate y predica muchisimo.
    Tu prima Cristina.
