Monday, October 25, 2010

How to Survive the MTC

Bishop Smith asked me to give some tips to the Priests in our home ward on how to survive the MTC and how to prepare for a mission.

The MTC is a great place and you can really learn a lot. It's nice not to have so many distractions and to just be able to focus on the Gospel. It gets pretty strenuous at times, but it really helps you grow and prepares you better for a mission.

Here are some tips for BEFORE you get there:

1. Read the Book of Mormon. I know you've heard this a lot but you are going to be telling people to read it and pray about it so it's of major importance.

2. Continue gaining a testimony, because your testimony is going to be one of the greatest tools you have if you can bear it with the Spirit. That is how you can help others feel the Spirit.

3. Try reading the New Testament and from the Missionary Library before you come. Read Preach My Gospel!! Study from it! It will help you be a better missionary for sure! These contain more great things for you to use when teaching, and can help us learn more and more about the Gospel.

4. Try to get somewhat used to going to bed at 10:30 and waking up at 6:30. I wasn't very good about this, but your day can be so productive when you wake up early and go to bed early.

5. Learn to live on a schedule and to make good goals.

6. Learn how to better talk to people. Face to Face.

7. If you are going to learn a language, try to study some of that language before you get to the MTC.

Tips for while you are AT the MTC:

1. Love your companion. You and your companion may have many differences, but realize that you both have things you can teach and learn from each other. You can learn something from every companion.

2. If you are learning a language, take good notes. Get help from your teachers, read in the language. Write in the Language, and of course speak it as much as you can. The more you speak it the faster you'll be able to learn it. Just try saying as much as you can in that language and say the rest in English. Later you can look up those words that you didn't know.

3. Respect your teachers. They can help you learn so much, and can truly prepare you for the field.

4. Love your Branch President. He can help you in so many ways.

5. Study Diligently! This may be the only time where you can focus completely on the Gospel, make good use of the time and try to learn as much as you can.

6. Contact tons of people! This will get you used to talking to people and will give you good practice sharing a brief message about the Gospel (and will help you better learn the language).

7. Have a positive attitude about everything. Although it may be hard for some things, having a positive attitude will truly help you have a better experience.

8. Learn to teach to the investigators needs, and what you think would help them the most.

9. Sign up for lots of teaching times to better improve your teaching skills. Also sign up to have progressing investigators to work with while you're at the MTC. It's about as close to real as you can get at the MTC.

10. Learn to listen to the voice of the Spirit, and teach with the Spirit. The Spirit is what's going to bring others to Christ.

11. You'll hear this a lot but . . .BE OBEDIENT to all the mission rules. Yes, all of them. You can receive so many blessings through obedience, and if you break a rule or are disobedient , you lose the Spirit, and if you lose the Spirit you can't teach with the Spirit. Strive to be obedient and always have the Spirit with you.

Hope these will help you have a better experience in the MTC and on your mission. I'm definitely not perfect with all of these things, but I think they are all important.

Good Luck on your missions, everyone!
Thank you for all that you have taught me.
You'll do great out there.
The Gospel is True!

Elder Hicks

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