Friday, October 15, 2010


Hola Familia! Como Estan?

Thanks for the packages and for the doughnuts. Gotta love the Dunfords.

Anyway, This week has been a pretty great week. Last Friday we had our P-day, and since we were still with Elder Boyes we had to go to the BYU Health Clinic with him for physical therapy. It was kinda weird walking away from MTC campus, that's for sure. Then we got there and the first people we saw, one of the boys was just staring at us. I wonder if a lot of people are going to stare at us in Joisey or not. So we were in the Health Clinic writing and letters and stuff, and for the first part of it the radio was on. It was sorta an odd situation, but I guess I have to start getting used to the outside world again sometime. After that we went to the TRC and me and Elder Clark taught Lesson 1 in spanish which was a pretty great experience. I think the spirit was really in the room and it was a great lesson.

Sunday was a great day for sure. We had all the normal meetings and I still haven't been called to give a talk yet, so I'm guess since our district is the oldest they'll be picking some of us out for these last two Sundays. But on Sunday I went to choir practice and I was so happy when I saw what song we were going to sing for Devotional on Tuesday. "Lead Kindly Light". I honestly think that is one of my favorite songs for sure so it was a great day to be in choir. That night we had a firside with Brother Heaton more about the principles of the gospel with the Atonement and Jesus Christ in the Middle. It was an excellent fireside, and then after that we stayed and watched the Joseph Smith movie again. Yeah I know we've already been like twice before, but it's just such a great movie. Oh yeah, I'm no longer the District Leader anymore, now it's Elder Clark, but it's no biggie, I learned a lot of things and learned better how to be a leader and I think that's one of the great things about leadership positions, is that you learn so much. I think President Shumway likes giving lots of people opportunities to be District leaders so they can grow more.

On Monday we woke up pretty early cause we had to take Elder Boyes to the travel office to get him to NJ, but we had some problems and luckily we got him on a later bus so that he could still make his flight. I think Elder Boyes taught us a good amount of stuff, and I think this week has been a lot better for mine and Elder Clarks companionship. We are only together for like 11 more days, so we gotta make them the best.

On Tuesday we had devotional and got to sing Lead Kindly Light for it which was a great experience of course. We've been practicing our teaching in spanish more and more, and we are starting to get better at asking more questions and teaching to peoples needs. Our teachers are working with us as different Progressing Investigators which is cool cause it gives us opportunities to teach different kind of people with different problems. Last night we taught a guy name Humberto (AKA Hermano Rivera) who had been meeting w/ the missionaries for 3 years but still needed more time before he would be baptized. Me and Elder Clark taught him a pretty good lesson about How the Gospel Strengthens Families, so that was a great experience for us for sure.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! This week our district got to work as "New Missionary Hosts." So we got to be the people standing out on the curb taking the other missionaries to where they need to be. It was pretty fun, although it was kinda sad to see families cry and stuff, but it's all good.

Seems like everything is going pretty well at home then. You all are busy working and stuff, that's pretty good. Tell Grandpa and Grandma I say Hi. Thanks again for the Hicks Hotline newsletters, I enjoy them.

As for my spanish, earlier in the week I was feeling sorta bad because I didn't feel like I was learning very fast, but now I'm starting to do HSI more and it helps so much. When I speak spanish as much as I can, I can tell I'm improving, and I'm so excited to go to New Jersey and contact people that aren't missionaries. Yeah it will be kinda scary at first but I'll get the hang of it. Besides, I've heard that for the New Jersey missionaries, they have something call the "Fear Buster" where like in your first few days or something they take you to the Ghetto to do contacting and stuff. That should be Interesting, but maybe it will bust all my fears away of New Jersey. So I'll let you know how that goes in another 2 weeks from today. Wow isn't that crazy! Going to Jersey in about 11 days. I've almost been hear for 2 months and in some ways it has gone slow, but in other ways it has gone really fast. I'm excited to get out there and get going though!

I'm doing well here, just gotta keep pushing and studying hard to the end although sometimes I get a little trunky for the field which can be a distraction. But there is still a lot more Spanish I need to work on in these last few days, but as long as I'm obedient, Study hard, and just keep practicing, the Lord can help me.

Well not much time left. I love you all, and I hope all is going well.

The Gospel is True!!!!

Good Luck this week with everything!

Love, Elder Hicks

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