Monday, March 14, 2011


This week has been another great week here in Union City 1-30. The combination has actually turned out to be pretty great for Elder Hannah and I, because it keeps us pretty busy for sure. I guess I'll just update you on any news or cool things that happened this week, and then I'll send you a picture of... Our two baptisms this week!

We had a pretty cool opportunity to invite Diana (Our recent convert) to go on a Team-up with us to go and teach another Dominican Girl that has had some interest in the church. We went and taught her about the plan of salvation, and Diana was trying to explain different things to her, and trying to help her understand, and even asking for a certain pamphlet to show her a thing or two. Diana is pretty awesome for sure, although we've had a really hard time being able to actually teach her and help her grow in her gospel knowledge.

This week we were able to go teach this awesome lady named Yolanda who was a former investigator awhile back. Last week she came to church and we set up an appointment to go by in the week. We went to the appointment and she was there with her daughter Wendy and her Grandson Hector. Yolanda lived in Utah for awhile and I think really has a testimony about the Book of Mormon, and in the church as a whole. We taught all three of them about the Restoration, and they all seem to be really interested. I think they are from Ecuador, and Wendy and Hector are especially new to the states having only been here for a month or two, I think. Wendy commented during the lesson about how she liked what we were saying, and all three of them came to church this week. Hector even stayed for the baptism, and is showing some great interest in learning more about the church.

Ruth is becoming a pretty strong member of the church as well. We had to reconfirm her this Sunday, but she seems to have a strong testimony of these things, and will probably do some pretty amazing things in the church.

This week I had the opportunity to do splits and be out with another recent convert named Jan (John) which was pretty cool. We didn't actually get to teach anybody, but it was good practice for my Spanish, and good to get to know him a little more. We went to his house to wait for Elder Hannah and Brian, and I decided to share a message with him about prayer from the book of Enos. I talked to him about the pattern of Enos' prayer when he starts out by praying for himself and repenting of his sins, then begins to pray for his bretheren the Nephites, and then his bretheren the Lamanites, who were their enemies. And that's how our prayers should be. Not just for ourselves, but for our bretheren and even for our enemies I guess you could say.

This week we were able to go eat at the bishops house, and after I left, one of the friends of the Bishops daughter showed interest in taking the lessons, and he even came to church and the baptism yesterday, asking how long it would take, or what he needed to do to be baptized. The Lord has really blessed us this transfer.

Yesterday we also had the opportunity to have the baptism for the "Chicos". Well, Christian (9) and Francisco (11) I guess you could say. And when we asked who they wanted to baptize them and we gave them their options, Christian picked me. It was a really great opportunity yesterday to baptize Christian and I'm really grateful that I had the privilege of doing it. Next week we are supposed to have two more baptisms with Fiorella and Her Daughter, who were both at the Baptism yesterday.

It should be another busy week, but I really love being busy. It definitely makes the time fly by for sure. After this week the transfer will be half over. There are going to be some big changes coming up in the next few months though with about 17 Spanish missionaries going home, and only like 2 coming in, and then a new mission president this summer. But I guess life is all about changes.

I'm so grateful to be a missionary. The Gospel is True!! I know that Heavenly Father really has a plan for all of us, and we can learn new things from every situation. It's up to us to react to the situation in a Christlike way, and that's where the learning will take place. I know that becoming a consecrated missionary is really the way to find happiness in the mission field, and working to develp christ-like attributes brings even greater happiness.

I love you all so much!!

Elder Hicks

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