Thursday, March 10, 2011

Twice the area, twice the joy!

Hello Family!

I was thinking about titling this e-mail, "Can anyone say Mojado" (Wet) but I guess I can just tell you that we've experienced some pretty heavy rain, and my new companion says that that's how it's going to be for spring. Yesterday we were out in the rain, and I got super soaked. My shoes were like full of water, but I guess it's just one of the joys of missionary work. Come what may and love it.

Anyway, to explain the title of this e-mail I guess it's important to say that I'm basically in my 4th area in my fourth transfer. Nope, I didn't get transferred but... with transfer conference, unexpected things seem to follow me. Union City 1-15 became... Union City 1-30. They combined the Area's of 1-15 and 15-30 and now Elder Hannah and I are companions.

(From left to right: Elder Butler, Elder Hannah, Elder Hicks, Elder Sopena)

Elder Hannah has about 5 more months left in his mission, and he's from Idaho, but went to Utah State. Now Elder Hannah and I cover streets 1-30 which means we have a lot of work to do. We have been staying really busy this week with so many people to see and visit. It's been pretty excellent though and probably one of the most successful weeks of my mission. One sad part is that Elder Sopena and Elder Butler left, and there were no new replacements. Now Elder Hannah and I are the only two that live in the house. When I first got to this area there were 7 people living in the house, and now there are only two. It gets quiet at times, but It's all good.

So just an update on what's going on....

(Ruth and family at her confirmation)

Ruth and Diana both got confirmed this week. We were a little worried cause we hadn't had a lot of contact with Diana during the week, but luckily Elder Hannah was able to get a hold of her on Sunday and she made it to church right in time to be confirmed.

Sadly their isn't a ton of work to do in 1-15, but in 15-30 there is a lot of stuff going on. We have 5 people with baptismal dates that should all be baptized within this month.

Next week we hope to have a baptism for Christian and Francisco. They are I think 11 and 9 years old. Their older brother is a member, and their Mom and Step-dad (I Think) both have testimonies and will hopefully be baptized eventually. They are really good kids though.

There is also a guy name Jose Fernandez who has a date as well. He's a really nice guy and wants to follow Jesus Christ, but I don't know him a whole lot.

This week we had the opportunity to go and teach an investigator named Fiorella. She has been taking lessons for a long long time, and now she has decided to be baptized. She told us that she was going to be baptized and then her kids would be baptized after her once they received their answer. One of Fiorellas little daughters agreed to be baptized on the same day as her mom, and the other two kids are still working to get their answers but seem to have a good interest in the message. Elder Hannah says that if Fiorelly gets baptized, it will start a chain reaction of a few other people getting baptized as well.

That's mostly the update as far as I know. I'm still not too familiar with all the investigators and members from 15th to 30th street, but I'm learning. Elder Hannah and I get a long pretty well, although we differ in personality in some spots, he's pretty laidback but is an experienced missionary. I think we'll both learn a lot from each other this transfer and hopefully can stay diligent to keep seeing success and inviting people to come unto Christ.

Thank You so much for all your support! The gospel is really true! I'm grateful to be serving as a missionary and for all the great opportunities you receive as a missionary. It's amazing to participate in different things and also to see how the gospel really blesses people. There are people out there ready for the gospel, whether they be former investigators, potential investigators, or referrals.

The Lord really has blessed Elder Hannah and I this week. I want to be better about using the scriptures as I teach because the scriptures really carry great power. The Spanish is coming a long. Some lessons it's really good, but other lessons it's hard to say what I want to say. I'm really grateful for the opportunity I have to learn Spanish though, and all the great different people I'm meeting here in Union City.

I hope all is going well at home. I love all of you so much!

Elder Hicks

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