Saturday, March 5, 2011


This week has been pretty great, and we had the amazing miracle of baptizing Ruth and Diana this week, but I'll talk more on that later.

Anyway, for once in my mission I am not getting transferred, and I didn't think I was going to be anyway because Elder Sopena was an automatic to-go ticket. I do get a new companion tomorrow which should be pretty great.

So the first news of this week was that on Saturday we got the opportunity and privilege to have Elder Bednar visit our mission, along with Elder Clayton from the Seventy. It was really great to have a visit from him, and it really made me want to be a better missionary. He taught about the importance of teaching by Observing, Listening, Discerning, and Talking. And I think there is a tendency of missionaries to just Listen briefly and talk without really teaching to the investigators needs. It's so important to ask questions and really ask as Elder Bednar did," What did you learn?" And that's really how we can follow up on how well an investigator was doing.

Elder Bednar also talked about how the witness of the Holy Ghost is a lot more powerful than the other 5 senses, and he and Elder Clayton mentioned that we receive answers to our prayers as we pray for other people. I think that was really good for me, because I think a lot of times I become selfish in my prayers and it's all about me, me, me, but the truth of the matter is, is that it's not about me. I think that's something I'm still learning, but when I can learn to master it and truly become a consecrated missionary, and will really find greater joy in the mission field.

Now to give you an update on our 3 main investigators.

Diana was baptized yesterday!!! Pretty awesome for sure. On Thursday Diana had her interview with the Zone leader. Her mom signed the baptismal form to give her permission and things were looking good to go. The next day, we tried going to see her, but her mom told us to come by later, which turned out being no for that day, which wasn't good because it's generally best to see your investigators with a baptism that week every day. The next day came around and we called and went to her house a few times, but she either wasn't home, and nobody answered the phone. This made us a little worried, cause we didn't know yet who was going to baptize her. I think she's been having some family problems lately, and one of the days we were there, her Step-dad got mad that we were there all the time. So Sunday came around, and we still weren't sure if Diana was going to be baptized or not. As I sat in PEC Elder Sopena came in and later told us that he got a hold of Diana, and she was still planning on being baptized! And that she wanted Marco to do it. Marco was baptized like 3 months ago, and he's been the main one to go to lessons with us to Diana. He's actually the one that set her with a baptismal date as well. The thing was, is that Marco still didn't have the priesthood as of Sunday morning. The arrangements were made, and Marco was to receive the priesthood the same day.

We went to Sacrament meeting, and then came out right after still waiting for Diana to come to church. We waited and waited and wondered why she wasn't at the church yet because it's important to come to Sacrament meeting and all. Finally after the closing prayer we saw Diana get off a bus and walk to the church. It's was actually pretty sad, when she came in, she started crying because she couldn't get her mom to come to her baptism. She really wants the gospel to bless her family, and her Mom hasn't been super supportive about the whole thing. But Diana will be a great example to her family, and hopefully one day we can help her mom and step dad be baptized.

Marco did Diana's baptism and she seemed to be really happy. The Young Women's president gave her some materials, and last night she texted Elder Sopena telling him that there was something in one of the Young Women's book that she didn't understand. So that's a pretty good sign that she's really wanted to progress. I was saying to Elder Sopena last night that Diana could very well be in one of the Young Women presidencies. It's amazing how much the gospel can change and bless people.

Wow, Ruth got baptized! After working with her the whole transfer, and Elder Sopena and Meador working with her some of last transfer, she finally entered the waters of baptism. Ruth came to church, but then I think started getting cold feet as the time came closer. She told us she wanted to pray about it, and she went into the chapel. As the hour arrived she put on her baptismal suit and was ready to go. Elder Sopena had the opportunity to perform the baptism, which is pretty great because it's his last. Ruth said that the little thing she had in her heart (Whether it was doubt or fear or something) went away when she was baptized.

It was a great baptismal service, and just one of the many in our zone. Last night we got the word that in our zone there were 13 baptisms on Sunday. Pretty great week for sure. Our Zone Leaders were really inspired on focusing our zone goal this month on inviting people to be baptized. This transfer we're going to try and teach Ruth's 9 year old son and hopefully baptize him.

Unfortunately Maria didn't get baptized yesterday as was her original date. She's learned a lot, but not a lot of progress can happen until she get's divorced, separates from Gabriel or marries him, but she has a lot of faith and her daughter is pretty close to being 8 year's old.

Otherwise, this week has been pretty great. Last night we went and did an FHE with the Ramirez family (Recent Converts) and some other members in the ward. This week we didn't get to spend a ton of time in our area because of P-day, Elder Sopena's temple trip, and some Baptismal Interviews, but I'm excited for what the new Transfer has to bring, and the new things I can learn. There's a lot of work to be done, that's for sure.

This picture is from Elder Sopena's hot seat. That is what missionaries do with the zone before they go home where they answer questions from the rest of us.

The Gospel is true! I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to share it with others and work hard each day to find new people. I know I can be a better missionary, and I'm still working to really consecrate myself. The gospel really does change lives, and the members play such an important role in the work. Ruth was a referral from a member in the ward, and Diana had really good fellowshipping from other Young Women in the ward. I really need to try and become better acquainted with those in the ward, and it's sometimes hard because of the language barrier, but I'm excited to continue learning spanish, and continue developing relationships with the ward members, and getting them to come out and work with us.

Thanks again for all your support, and I hope all is going well! Love all of you!!!

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