Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Well, happy first day of spring everyone. I'm so happy that the weather has finally gotten warmer here. I mean right now it's rainy and stuff, but on Friday it was like it was summer. I went proselyting in a short sleeve shirt and was out at a barbecue for awhile, and there were a ton of people out on the streets enjoying the weather.

This week has been another great one though for sure. Elder Hannah and I have really been seeing great success together, and he told me this morning that neither he nor I would see another transfer like this one again. It really has been amazing. Yesterday Christian and Francisco were confirmed. Unfortunately Fiorella and her daughter weren't able to be baptized this week, but they are planning on it for next week for sure.

This week we had the opportunity to go teach Yolanda, Wendy, and Hector again. They are the family from Ecuador. We read through the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them from 2 Nephi 31, and they seem to understand it very well. Hector was telling us that he has never felt the same way with anything as he has when he reads the Book of Mormon and goes to church. He really is a champ, and I hope that one day in the next few years he can go on a mission. During that lesson we were able to set all 3 of them with the baptismal date of April 10th. Hopefully they can continue learning and feeling the spirit to really be prepared by that date. They are an amazing, and really prepared family for sure.

We also have these other golden investigators named Christian and Trixi. This week we went over, and they had done their reading and the first 10 or 15 minutes of the lesson was spent talking about what they had read, things they picked out, and questions that had. They have such a great desire to learn. We taught them the plan of salvation and Trixi liked it a lot. After the lesson Christian was asking us how he could know if he had retained a remission of his sins, and another question about how to judge or discern. They are so awesome, and I think they could have baptismal dates pretty soon as well. Trixi is due to have a baby though very soon, and they haven't been able to come to church yet, but things will all work out in the end.

We've been working with our Recent Converts a good amount lately and they all seem to be doing well. Ruth is continually learning, and she's really a great member of the church. I'm getting a little worried about Diana though because we haven't seen her at Church the last 2 weeks, and we haven't really been able to see her or talk to her in awhile. Yesterday we saw her mom though and she said that Diana has been busy taking care of her little sister, and that her phone was broken, but sometimes I just don't know. I really hope we can get back in contact with her, and help her grow in the Church.

This week we were walking down the street and a guy waved to us from across the street. Then he started yelling out Jimmer Fredettes name. It was pretty funny that he recognized us as Mormons, I guess because of BYU basketball. We didn't talk to him or anything, but I thought it was a pretty interesting experience.

The mission life is good though, and I'm still trying to learn Spanish. I haven't been progressing a ton lately, but I'm sure it will come with time. It gets discouraging at times when people don't come to church, especially recent converts, but I guess that's why we are here. To bring other people unto Christ, while at the same time strengthening the ward that we are in. The Gospel truly brings so much happiness, and sometimes you just want to make people take it. Everyone has their agency though, and you really learn to develop Christlike attributes on the mission. I can't believe almost 7 months has gone by. Pretty crazy huh? Well, gotta keep working hard and staying focused, and may this spring be a great one for all of you. May we truly find happiness in the little things and allow to "Come what may, and love it." I love all of you and I'm pretty excited for General Conference in a few weeks.

Love, Elder Hicks

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