Friday, June 22, 2012

Another year older and wiser too

Happy Birthday... To You Aaron and Becca!!!! Who knew that your birthdays were so close? I have been thinking recently... Isn't it weird to anybody else that I turn 21 in 3 months? That's just a crazy thought. And even crazier.. I graduated from High School 3 years ago. Where has time gone?

Anyway... Here's the update for the week
As for our investigators... Things aren't looking super promising as of now. Unfortunately Madelyn has become a workaholic, and usually doesn't respond to our texts or calls, and the last response contained the ever frightening "I'll let you know"(when she can meet with us) which according to my experience in the mission, never ever happens. But who knows, she may be different. So we dropped her date, and now I guess we just patiently wait and try to get back in contact with her.
An update of Elder Larsen. He's from Utah, and I think he was hiking up in american fork canyon with some other NJMM missionaries that got home recently. I haven't heard much since, but from last weeks report he was doing better, he just needed lots of time to recover.
Hermano Cajas is doing alright. We were able to take our Branch President, President Harrison to the last appointment with us, and we talked about the importance of Fasting, and how fasting brings forth even greater blessings and answers to prayers. We committed him to fast, but haven't been able to follow up with him to see if that happened. I'm worried that Hermano Cajas is just kind of in a rut. I'm not sure if he really understands the importance of the things we are telling him, and there isn't much we can do if he can never come to church. I guess we just need to keep praying that some arrangements will be made.
Manuel is doing pretty good, although we are a little disappointed he didn't come to church yesterday when he made it sound like he was down to come. We even went over to try and wake him up before church, but to no avail. We were able to take a member with us to teach him which was really helpful, but sometimes I get tired of peoples lack of committment to do things and make sacrifices, like coming to church. I guess I just need to learn to be more patient, and realize that people are taking big steps in their lives to bring their lives into harmony with the will of God.
Carlos is still.... well Carlos. A few weeks ago I ordered a DVD set from church distribution that has the Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration movie on it (the movie they play up in temple square.) One of the reasons I wanted it was to show it to Carlos to help him gain a greater testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel. We watched the first half of it, and he said that it made him more excited to read in the Book of Mormon, and he borrowed the DVD so he could take it home and watch the whole thing. Unfortunately he didn't make it to church, but I think one of the real reasons he won't get baptized is for sociality amongst his kids, and his girlfriend, because he makes it sound like if they heard the message and wanted to be baptized, he would be down for them to all be baptized together. We'll keep working with him.
So that's the main update on our investigators, now I'll just relate too pretty cool experiences.
So on Saturday we went and tried one of our Less-Actives Victor. Victor has to work on Sunday's as well, and still lacks the sufficient faith to make some changes to his schedule. Our lessons with him have been somewhat bland, and we usually don't really know what he needs. But on Saturday we he shook my hand, I really thought that I smelt alcohol on his breath. I was like... Well, I guess it's time to teach him the Word of Wisdom. It turns out he doesn't drink alcohol, but by teaching the Wof W, we discovered that he has been drinking coffee, which I don't think we would have ever known otherwise. We talked about the importance of living this commandment, and he committed to start drinking less until he's able to give it up completely. Where the Alcohol smell came from, I'm not sure, but we were actually able to teach him according to his needs.
Later that day as we tried a member, she wasn't able to attend to us, so as we walked back to the car, I saw a door of a former that I had knocked a number of times with no answer, and decided that I would knock it again just to see what happened. I guy looked out, but then went away, then a girl walked out and started talking to us. I thought she was a member because she was being so nice to us, and recognized us as who we were, and she said that she just came from Virginia and was meeting with the missionaries there. She said she really like the church a lot, and that she would be interested in meeting with us. It was another one of those tender mercies from the Lord. And get this... Her name is Madelyn. What a coincidence
Sorry if the letter seems a little dull today. This week was definitely one of those slower weeks, but this week should be good as we go out and work with faith. I just need to keep stepping it up, working hard, and enduring to the end. We have interviews with President Jeppson this week which will be fantastic in helping me finish strong till the end. The Gospel is True! Love You!

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