Friday, June 22, 2012

Nerve Ending

Wow, having transfers every 6 weeks is like having Christmas every six weeks. You get those butterflies in your stomach, or as I used to say back in the day "My stomach feels tingly" (Julia would probably know that one the best) . I've been super nervous these past 2 days of what is to come as my mission comes to a close. The transfer is over, and I only have 2 more left. I knew that whatever happened this coming transfer would most likely be where I finished my mission. So.... I couldn't get to sleep as I anxiously awaited the transfer text from the zone leaders. 1 hour passed, and 1 1/2 hours passed and the text finally came in to put rest to my anxiety. I read through the names, non of which included mine or Elder Jellen's name. So that meant we were staying together in Trenton for another one. I turned the phone on silent, and still had a hard time getting to sleep thinking about what it was going to be like to be together one more, and after about 20 minutes, I looked at the phone and noticed it was blinking. I thought, "Hmmmm... What could that be?" And this is what it said... ' hahahaha, sorry, Elder Hicks too.' My thoughts were, "What?! What in the World?, You've gotta be kidding me!" I had already accepted the fact that I was staying, and this text brought in another shipment of nerves and anxiety. So, yes, Elder Hicks will be leaving Trenton to go to some unknown land that has not been revealed to me.

I'm pretty nervous about where I'll go, and I just couldn't even give you a good guess. Possible area's I've been thinking of are 1. Elizabeth 2. West New York 3. Union City (Once again so I can go reactivate all my less active recent converts). What's your guess? 
 El Bautismo de Felipe (We kind of look like Giants in this picture) 
PS: I measured myself, and as of now I stand at 6'3 1/2"

Anyway... This week has been pretty great. The capstone of the week would be Felipe's Baptism yesterday!!!! Everything went well with his interview, he gave up drinking coffee, and he had Elder Jellen baptize him, making that Elder Jellen's first time baptizing somebody during his mission. It was a pretty special moment for me standing outside of the font looking at Elder Jellen in the water with our investigator Felipe. He pronounced the words, looked up at me to see if he said it right, and then put Felipe underwater. It was heartwarming to see how happy Elder Jellen was, and to see how much he has grown since we have been together. I may have been his trainer, but he sure has trained me in a lot of things, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to work with him. The baptism was excellent, and even Carlos came to see it (Hopefully he'll get baptized one day soon).
Sadly we haven't been able to see much progress out of our other investigators this week. One cool experience though took place on Friday.  The day before we had planned to go see a former (someone that Elder Wootton and I started teaching my first week here, but she had moved away for awhile to Kearny NJ.) We decided to go see her, and miraculously... She was there! She explained that she had just barely gotten back from Kearny the day before, and it was kind of like, what a coincidence that we show up again at your doorstep the next day. We taught her a quick lesson, and she seems to have tons of potential. She said she would be willing to be baptized once she is sure. She wants us to help her learn how to receive those answers.
   And so we move forward. I have really enjoyed my time here in Trenton. The branch is awesome, I love the members a lot, and the Lord has blessed us immensly in this area. I'm excited to go make new friendships with a new ward, meet new investigators, new less-actives to work with, and my overall goal, that of Baptizing a Family. I'm so grateful to be a missionary, and I love the work of the Lord. Time is cruising out here, and it's just gonna keep getting faster, kind of scary.
  The Gospel is True! I've been glued to my Jesus the Christ book these past 2 weeks as I'm trying to finish it before I get home. It's such an amazing book, and really helps my testimony of Jesus Christ grow. I know he is our Savior, and if we follow him, we shall receive eternal life. I love you all so much!

Michael and Delda (Michael is the guy that always comes out with us, 
and Delda is the one that loves to take us out to eat)

This is Carlos. 
He told us this week that he wanted to interview us on Live television 
to show to the hispanic community in trenton.
 I don't think that one would get cleared by President Jeppson

 This is Sara and Nestor. 
Sara is the recent-convert that went to the temple on the same day as Fausta.

 Justin Umana. This is one of my favorite little kids ever. 
He's hilarious, and he reminds me a lot of Noah. 

The Cobb Family

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