Friday, June 22, 2012

Hello, this is Elder Hicks. Elder Hicks Who?

(Letter March 26)

Haha, that was a pretty funny way to answer the phone mom, I'm sure you were pretty confused as it is a little out of the ordinary to talk to your missionary son on days other than Christmas and Mothers Day. I'm sure these past few days of been bitter sweet for all, and Grandma will be missed, but I'm sure she's a lot happier right now, and I know we will all be reunited again one day.

This week has definitely been an interesting week with some ups and downs, some acheivements and disappointments. Henry is doing just great. We were able to teach him about Tithing and Fasting, he agreed to do them both, fasted yesterday and paid a fast offering. Henry will was a tender mercy from the Lord as he wasn't really found through any effort on our own, but the Lord must have seen that we were working hard. He's still preparing to get baptized on April 8th (Easter!), what a perfect day to be baptized right? Henry is an amazing investigator, and he has so much faith. He continues to talk about how this message and gospel is bringing him what he's been hoping for for a long long time. Hermano Cajas is doing well too, we taught him about the plan of salvation including the help of his returned missionary son, and then committed him to pray to get work off so that he can be baptized. He's a really nice guy, he just has to work every sunday which is a big stumbling block for one who wishes to be baptized.

We've had to drop a number of investigators this week due to lack of progress, lack of commitment, or a lack of ever be home, or answering their phone. That's one of my pet peeves here, is that I can call let's say 7 different people, and not one of them will answer their phone... How is any work supposed to get done if people never answer... That's one of the big stressors here.
Elder Jellen and I are still doing well together. He's learning a lot, and he starting to get better at contacting and talking to people on the streets. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to train him, and that he so willing and desirous to improve and become better. In all honesty, I think training has helped me become a way better missionary than I was before. The gift of tongues has definitely taken flight (on most days), and my teaching skills are getting better. I would say my biggest weakness lately is sometimes I'm a little too bold with people and can be kinda sarcastic when they give excuses of why they won't do something. Not that boldness is bad, but I need to get better at doing it with love.

Things are going well here. This area has a lot of potential, and we just need to increase our faith and hope to find. I don't know if I ever told you, but do you remember Manuel back in Passaic? Elder Ream told me a few weeks ago that him, and another one of his cousins got baptized!  I was happy to hear that because we had worked with Manuel a lot, and had set many different dates for him to get baptized.

But yes, the week wasn't all too eventful although we had a pretty great lesson with our investigator Carlos on Tuesday night. We taught Carlos (he's an Eternagator --Meaning an investigator that has been investigating for a really long time)) in the house of one of the strong members, with the branch president as a team up, and another strong member present as well. It was quite a team. We taught Carlos about the gospel of Jesus Christ using the Tea-bag lesson (I'll show it to you one day, it involves a flying tea-bag) and had lots of testimonies going 'round, but Carlos is still too set on his Catholic traditions and isn't quite ready to make the change... But 1 fruit of that visit was a friend that Martha Umana had invited whose husband is actually a member, and they used to live in Utah. She said she would be interested in learning more, and we have another appointment with her tomorrow. Finding through the members is really the best way to find. The majority of people that have gotten baptized on my mission (and have stayed active) came through members of some sort. That's really what we want to focus on, is finding through the members, because that's where the true success comes from.

I know that the Gospel is True! I know that Jesus is the Christ, and that our Heavenly Father loves us so much! I know he's watching over each one of you, and is attentive to your needs. Whatever is important to us, is important to our Heavenly Father. That's how much he loves us! Keep holding in there Family! I love you all so much!

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