Friday, June 22, 2012

Presidents Day

Letter February 20

This week has been an overall great week though. It had it's up, and it had it's downs. But I really feel that I'm learning a lot this transfer taking on a role that I haven't had to do much during my mission. I've been talking to a lot more people on the streets, trying to find former investigators, all sorts of things. It gets tough at times though to not really see the fruits of your labor. All of our investigators as of now are just kinda so-so. We need to find the investigators that really have the faith to do things, and to make changes in their lives.
Elder Wootton and I have started getting a long even better, and we actually had a really great district meeting this past Tuesday about receiving personal revelation. After the meeting we were priviledged to go on exchanges with the zone leaders and I had the opportunity to work with Elder Williams. It was great working with Elder Williams, seeking advice, giving advice, and learning from one another. It was a little crazy working with an english Elder in a spanish area though because he couldn't say anything so I was just talking and talking and talking. 

We found a new investigator named Jorge who seemed promising. After a second lesson with him later in the week we had a tough lesson inviting him to be baptized with maybe one of the most difficult responses to address, "I've already been baptized." We tried to address the concern explaining authority and it's importance, but it just wasn't clicking. He agreed to keep reading, but as far as baptism said no. We shall see. We were also able to have a great lesson with Gloria and Julio some of the new inv. we found last week. Our first lesson with them was a train wreck, but the next lesson went really well. We taught them the gospel, invited them to be baptized, to which they responded yes, and they committed to church. Unfortunately we couldn't get a hold of them it get them the address and everything to church, but they seem to have pretty good potential.
On Wednesday we went to do service for "Greater Goods" a thrift shop in Hightstown. Our other team member is a Jewish guy named Paul. He doesn't like us to get into religion with him, but he tells us interesting things about Jewish beliefs and customs. It's always interesting to learn a little more about other religions. Pauls a really nice guy though, and we work with him every wednesday picking up furniture that people donate to the thrift shop. 

That night we had a pretty good lesson about the Book of Mormon with our investigator Carlos, who has been investigating the church for quite some time. He hasn't ever really had the desire to read in the Book of Mormon, but he comes to church pretty regularly. He's gotta read the Book of Mormon though if he really wants to know. So that's our biggest things with him now. We also had a tough experience on Wednesday when we called our investigator Francisco. Francisco was progressing pretty well. He was the one that we were teaching when the Jehovah's witnesses walked in... Well it seems like after we left that day he got Antied by them. We called him and he told us he wanted to stay with the people he was studying with, that the book of mormon was against what it says in revelations about adding and taking away from the bible, and then added what he had heard about us having 7 wives. So... He dropped us, but maybe one day the missionaries can go by again.

We were able to teach our investigator Magda again this week, and we even set her with a date for March 25th, if she came to know that the message we share is true. She accepted, but didn't come to church this week. It really is just a matter of finding those prepared and faithful enough to keep committments.

This week we had interviews with Elder Andersen, the shepherd of the mission until the return of President Jeppson. It was great talking to him, receiving advice, and getting help for things I was struggling with. He's a really nice man, and luckily I was able to develop a pretty good relationship with him while I was serving in Passaic.

One crazy experience we had this week was when we went to see some formers that we hadn't tried before. We went to see a guy named Eric and he let us right in. We reviewed the restoration with him, and he had a lot of doubts and arguments according to what he believes. He grew up evangelical. He's willing to learn more, but it's going to be a tough one with him. Right after a crazy lesson with him, we went upstairs and started teaching another former named Antonia, who seems really nice. It wasn't too great of a lesson as one of her roommates walked in at the end, but she seems willing to learn and follow Christ.

I'm starting to get adjusted to Trenton. It's a good place and has lot's of potential. The members feed us like crazy here, so I'm probably going to gain a few pounds, which is needed because I don't weigh much different than I did when I left on my mission. I'm excited to see what these next few weeks have to bring.

I relearned the importance of having faith in the work this week. Faith and Diligence must co-exist. Elder Wootton and I have been following our plans and working pretty diligently, but I think my Faith to find those who are prepared has been on the low side of things. The scriptures describe clearly how miracles only follow after Faith. How could we possibly expect anything different. It makes the work so much more enjoyable when you go out with faith and excitement wanting to talk to people and find those who are prepared. I have to have faith that this is going to be a good week!!

Thanks again for everything. I ate all the cookies you sent! They were amazing as usual! I love you all so much!

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