Friday, June 22, 2012

What a Week...

(Letter April 30)

It sounds as if all is going well. It was definitely a great experience getting to call you and counsel with you about when I would be coming home. Sorry if the phone call scared you a little bit. I feel that the decision made was right, and President helped confirm that when I called to tell him the news, and he expressed feeling such as "that is music to my ears", "you made my night." President sure does love his missionaries, and knows how to help them feel confident. 

Sadly this whole "Departure Date" business has kindof put my mind in a spin, and I've had a tough time staying really focused this week. The decison to stay or go was like a 2 or 3 day process of counseling with my companion, praying, talking to the district leaders, president, and my parents. I'm glad that the decision is made and now I can get back on track. 

The other thing that has made the week a little crazy was having to go off all dairy products, which is super tough considering that's about all I eat. (Cereal and MilkCheese Tortilla's, and Yogurt) My tummy hasn't been doing it's best lately, and so I've been told to go off dairy to see if possibly I'm Lactose Intolerant. Bummer. But I've found a good substitute for Milk... Almond Milk! It's like eating cereal with melted vanilla ice cream, which is a pretty good trade off.

So with all that being said, the missionary work wasn't at it's high point. But I'm excited for a new week, and to start getting myself refocused on the important things. Here's the quick low down on our investigators...
Madelyn: We got to have a lesson with Madelyn on Wednesday, and we had to take the District Leaders with us for chaperones. It was pretty powerful having all 4 of us in there testifying and teaching. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the importance of baptism. Set her with a date for the 27th of May, and then headed out. The real problem is just going to be getting her to church because with her training in her job for the next few weeks, she works a pretty hectic schedule. She seems really cool though, and desirous to learn, hopefully we didn't push baptism too much.
Hno Cajas: He finally came home from Guatamala. We took a member with us to see him, and we talked about the importance of sacrificing to go to church. The member helped us out a whole lot, and my favorite part of the lesson was when we asked Hno Cajas... "Will you talk to your boss about getting work off on Sunday's?", his response, "well first I'm going to pray, and then I'm going to talk to my boss." That was a perfect response. Unfortunately I think his courage wore off after a few days because we called him and he discouragingly said that they don't give permission to have Sunday off. I think it's time we go to his boss, Mr. Marriott. Or maybe not. We'll see how he continues to progress.
Those are probably the 2 biggest pieces of news about our investigators. Oh I forgot to mention, this week has also been somewhat worrisome because one of my good missionary friends, Elder Larsen, who went home 7 weeks ago, fell while hiking, and was in critical condition as of Tuesday. But through lots of fervent prayer, he seems to be doing better, and was moved out of the ICU unit. He had a swollen brain, bruised lungs, and a fractured ankle. I'm so grateful that he's doing better.
Hmmm.... Nothing much to report. It definitely wasn't my favorite week of the mission, but I guess you have to have bad weeks to recognize the good weeks. I'm still trying to focus on becoming more consecrated, and correcting the little things that I do wrong, or where I may be lacking a little. I'm grateful for the opportunities each day to improve, and this week we just have to go out diligently and seek those ready to receive the Gospel.
I know that the Church is true, and that the Lord is mindful of each one of us. I know that he does hear and answer prayers, but sometimes answers them differently how we would expect. I've definitely found this week, that revelation comes line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little, until the light gradually illuminates the darkness, and we can move forward. I know that Heavenly Father loves us so much, and wants the best for us, and I know that this is his Work, and it will go forth boldly, nobley, and independently. I'm so grateful to be a part of it.

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