Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Belated Easter

This week has been a pretty good one for us, especially as we saw one of our fellow brothers enter the waters of Baptism. Henry got baptized yesterday, and it was a wonderful experience. I was particularly impressed by the support and efforts put in by our ward mission leader to put everything together. The baptism was a special one, and we were happy to have the branch president (President Harrison) baptize him, instead of one of us. That just makes an instant friendship, especially when the missionaries will one day leave. We got everything put together well, although the morning of was a little stressful because we had to make a program from scratch, and we needed to teach Henry about the gift of the Holy Ghost and confirmation, because we hadn't explained it very well beforehand. That was definitely the highlight of the week.

But now that all is said and done with Henry (except for the confirmation), what's next? Our teaching pool has become particularly small this week as we've dropped even more investigators (Including Rosa Chaves (the Media Referral) because of loss of contact). I think we are down to about 4 people now... Which is gonna be difficult, but it all comes down to puting our faith in, talking to everyone and finding those who are prepared. I actually feel good about dropping some of those people, not that I'm happy that they aren't going to be taking part in the gospel at this time in their lives, but I feel a relief not trying to drag them around. Now the time we would spend trying their homes, or teaching them, can be spent elsewhere to find the elect. Unfortunately Elder Jellen and I haven't had too much luck in the finding realm this transfer, which makes things a little problematic, but maybe now that we have taken the faith to drop so many, the Lord will bless us with more of his elect.

I was talking to Elder Jellen the other day about a comment in preach my gospel that tells us to strengthen our faith to find those that the Lord puts in our path. I was curious on how one was to do that. I would say that the way to strengthen your faith to find would come through finding someone... But I guess technically that would be sign-seeking wouldn't it? but Elder Jellen stated simply that we strengthen our faith to find, but exercising our faith to find! (Including Street Contacting, Knocking, Finding through the members. and doing all we can in our power to find those prepared.  We have some promising potential investigators including one who has a sister that's a member living in Utah, as well as a cousin serving a mission in Uruguay. Hopefully we can reconnect with her. We'll keep bus-caring them (o rather, looking for them)

Elder Jellen and I are doing well together. He's learning a lot, and so am I. We are able to have fun together and we were so grateful for the tender mercy of the Lord to be able to have a baptism this month, even if the numbers we've been pulling out would say otherwise.

 P-day's are always a good time to have some fun, and last week I found one of my new favorite sports called "Gator Ball." You may be asking... What in the world is Gator Ball? Well let me tell you. It's basically a mix of soccer, rugby, and water polo (but without the water). You use your hands and your feet, and like any game, you try to get the ball to the goal. It actually reminds me a lot of Quidditch (Minus the brooms and flying of course) but it's definitely a blast. I'll have to teach it to you when I return.

We had an excellent zone conference on Wednesday learning about consecration and the doctrine of Christ. This week flew by though, and this week will probably go by quick as well. The transfer ends in 2 weeks, and it's kind of a toss up if I'm staying or going. I could stay here and continue training, or go to another area, or ug... I have no idea. I guess we'll see what the future holds.

I'm so grateful for the Savior, and for the opportunity we had to celebrate Easter and the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that the Gospel is True, and that true happiness comes through following the Savior and his example. The cliche question, "What would Jesus do?" is really defining for what kind of people we can become. If we act as the Savior would in all things, then we can find true happiness and direction in life. I know that as we "put off the natural man" and "become a saint" (Mosiah 3:19), we can be "blessed in all things, both temporally and spiritually" (Mosiah 2:41), and be worthy to return to live in the presence of our Heavenly Father. That's really a big part of being a missionary, learning how to put off the natural man, and become the priesthood holder, husband, father, son, and friend that the Lord wants me to be. There are still a lot of things I have to do to destroy the natural man, but hopefully this month of consecration can help me get ever closer to that goal. The Gospel is True. I love you all so much!

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