Friday, June 22, 2012

As We Move Forward

(Letter May 14)

Let me just say how amazing it was to be able to talk to all of you last night. It was a definite blessing, and it was interesting to see how much the family has changed. I'm sure I've changed a lot too, but I'm sure you notice it better than I do. I did give you some updates on the week last night, so this e-mail can mostly be for journalism purposes, but there are a few events that I didn't get to share.

This week was actually a pretty amazing week, and the Lord blessed us immensly. We were able to find 6 new investigators this week, basically doubling our teaching pool, which is a definite plus. I already told you of the miracle yesterday, but let me just recap it. 

We went to church, still not sure if any of our investigators were going to make it to church. They didn't. But as we got out of our gospel principles class Brother Jessop (first-counselor) came to find us, and told us that there was somebody who wanted to be baptized, and that we needed to go and talk to him in the chapel. We went in there and saw a man sitting on the back row of the chapel. We headed over and began talking to him, and he told us his name was Felipe. He has come to the church in the past, but at this point in time neither I nor Elder Jellen had ever seen him. One of the first questions that came out of his mouth was, "What do I need to do to be baptized?". Those words are music to a missionaries ears! We explained that he would need to keep coming to church, and take some classes, upon which he asked," What do I need to do to get those classes?" That's where we come in. I told him we would need to teach him and everything, and he seemed ready for it all. He explained that his wife is a member, and that he wants to get baptized so that him and her can get sealed in the temple in a year. Que Milagro No?! So we get to go see him tonight, and we'll see how it goes. It's fantastic that he has those right intentions, now let's just hope he'll be willing to make the sacrifice needed to receive those blessings he seeks.

Another tender mercy of the Lord happened a little earlier in the week. On Wednesday the Princeton English Elders shot us a text saying that they had a referral for us from a member. We were pretty ecstatic, because member work is the best. We gave the member a call (Sis Kirk), and talked a little bit about the referral. She explained to us that the Referral (Ana) worked at shoprite with her son (Jared (sis kirks son)) and she had a lot of problems with Alcohol, and buying lottery tickets. Sis Kirk has been praying for her a lot, and even putting her name in the temple. Sis Kirk went onto explain that she has been receiving some promptings that it was time to turn her over to the missionaries. So we headed up to Princeton that afternoon to meet up with Sis Kirk and Ana, and got to know eachother a little bit over some Pizza. Sis Kirk doesn't speak any spanish, and Ana doesn't really speak english, so up until this point, the two of them haven't been able to really communicate, other than through the eye's and emotions. Elder Jellen and I became the translators and expressed to Ana what Sister Kirk has been doing for her, and how grateful she is that she has been so kind to her son at Shoprite. It was incredible being the translator to try and bring these 2 even closer together as friends, and Ana understood that she needed to stop the alcohol and gambling. We set up a return appoinment, and went to Ana's on Friday. She was so nice, she bought a bunch of food and stuff to give us, and we were able to teach her the first part of the Plan of Salvation and the Word of Wisdom. She's a sweet lady, and we're excited to see where things go with her.
Other peaces of news... Henry is going to receive the Aaronic priesthood next Sunday which is exciting. I also had a cool experience last Wednesday while we were doing service. As we were driving with Paul (the Jewish guy we serve with) he asked us if we would like to go see his "temple". I was a little hesitant at first to accept the offer, but Elder Jellen agreed to it, and for the first time in my life, I entered a Jewish Synagogue. I will admit, it was pretty cool. They had a really nice 'chapel' if that what it's to be called, and behind had some doors that Paul said contained the "Scrolls" aka The Torah. I asked if we could see them, but they are locked up, so that wasn't going to happen. I have always thought the Jews were an interesting people, and I just want to know more about them and know why they do some things they do. Paul is a conservative Jew though and not a Orthodox one. It was a pretty cool experience though to learn a little bit more about Judaism.
We also found a family this week. We went a tried a former investigator, who didn't end up living there, but we did find Rosa, Simon, and Gina because of it. They are a nice family from the Dominican Republic. Rosa seemed a little hesistant, but her husband was pretty nice. We shared the restorations, and explained the Book of Mormon to them. And as we were leaving Rosa told us that she has breast cancer, and has to receive 30 Radiation treatments. She asked us to pray for her. What better time than now to receive the restored gospel? Hopefully all goes well when we see them on wednesday!
 Interviews with President and Sister Jeppson went extraordinary this week and it was good to be around the "mission parents" again. President gave me great advice, and told me how he wants me to finish strong. He said if I slow down and don't finish strong, he doesn't want me to have to regret that forever. President truly is inspired, and it is such a blessing to have him here at this time of my mission. This week I have really been trying to be more consecrated, more obedient, more focused, and have tried to work with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. And I think that hs brought forth these great blessings we have received this week.
Thank you so much for all your support and love. It was fun to see how much little Jakey has grown up. It was kind of weird to see him singing happy birthday, because when I left, all he could really say was, "Wee" as in "Please". That video was a hit though, it still makes me smile. "Stop pulling my shirt!". HAHA. Thanks for sharing it with me.
Hope you all have a great week! Remember, The Gospel is True! I love you all so much!

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